Other hood: New eBook Club pick!

Welcome to the WCL eBook Club, where each month we highlight a popular eBook in our digital collection and give access to an unlimited number of downloads on Libby. That means no waiting in long reserves queues – you’ll get instant access to our monthly popular pick!

From Monday 1 – Sunday 14 July, our eBook Club pick is Other hood: Essays on being childless, child free and child adjacent, edited by Alie Benge, Lil O’Brien and Kathryn Van Beek, and published by Massey University Press.

Other hood : essays on being childless, childfree and child-adjacent

“In Aotearoa the number of people who will never have children is growing – and they’re pushing back against the narrative that if they don’t, their lives will be somehow ‘less than’. Otherhood’s essays are by writers who’ve felt on the outside looking in, who’ve lived unexpected lives and who’ve given the finger to social expectations. Some chose to be childfree, some didn’t get to choose and some – through bereavement or blended family dynamics – ask themselves: Am I a mother or am I other? Thought provoking, moving and often hilarious, Otherhood opens a more inclusive conversation about what makes a fulfilling life.”

(Adapted from Catalogue)

You can also place a reserve on a physical copy.

We recently sat down with Alie, Lil and Kathryn kōrero about this candid and empathetic collection of personal stories that dives into the varied reasons behind living a childfree life. Watch our interview with the editors below, and join us in reading Otherhood on Libby, as we offer unlimited downloads until 14 July!

We extend our thanks and appreciation to Alie, Lil, Kathryn and Massey University Press for the video interview.

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