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Libraries closed Monday 28 October

All our libraries will be closed Monday 28 October for the Labour Day public holiday.

Kohinga kākano - Kākano seed library

Improve the self-sustainability of your home by growing your own kai from seed!

The Kākano Seed Library aim to encourage beginners into backyard gardening through the supply of small quantities of free seeds.

Seed saving and seed sharing are important practices that encourage biodiversity and community self-sufficiency. Gardening is a great way to improve your physical and mental well-being, and growing from seed can be a rewarding and fun process that the whole whānau can enjoy.

Where can I find the Kākano Seed Library?

How does it work?

  • Help yourself to 1-2 packets of seeds
  • Sow your seeds at home. Basic planting instructions are provided on packets. Don’t forget to label your planting with name and date.
  • Enjoy your harvest!
  • Save some seeds from your harvest to donate back to the seed library. We gratefully accept donations of any other excess seeds you have, provided they meet the below requirements.

How do I donate seeds?

Bring your surplus seeds to Ngā Puna Waiora Newtown Library for donation to the seed library.

We accept donations of seeds in any quantity that meet the following requirements:

  • Viable
  • Non-pest/weed
  • Clearly labelled with: name/variety, date collected, source/provenance (i.e. commercial or grown in Karori etc)

Please note all donations will be repackaged and relabelled for the seed Library.

What seeds are available?

The seed Library offers a seasonal range of vegetables, herbs, flowers and some natives. The seed stock available will vary throughout the year due to seasonal changes, donations and availability. Pop into Newtown Library to see what you can find!

Are the seeds free?

Yes, the seeds are free. Our seed library relies on you ‘returning’ seeds from your harvest, or donating excess seeds from your own collection.

How are the seeds packaged?

All seeds are repackaged in recyclable paper envelopes, with paper-based labelling. No plastic is used for packaging.

Any pātai?

You can contact us directly with your seed library enquiries at: