Karere 'Māori' - 'Māori' stories
February's WCL eBook Club: Poorhara by Michelle Rahurahu
Our WCL eBook Club pick for February is Poorhara by Michelle Rahurahu. Unlimited copies available 1-14 February! -
Spotlight on: JC Sturm
One of NZ's leading female Māori short story writers & poets was a key member of our library team -
Te Māori Exhibition: 40 Years On
10 September 1984. On this day, 40 years ago, Te Māori exhibition opened at MOMA in New York City. -
Te Tiriti: Te Whanganui-a-Tara, 29 April 1840
Learn about when Te Tiriti was signed by mana whenua. -
Aotearoa Traditional Māori Performing Arts and Te Matatini – Part 3
Haere mai and welcome to the third blog in our ‘Te Whare Tapere to Kapa Haka and Māori Concert Party’ series. -
Concert Parties: Movers and shakers – Part 2
Haere mai and welcome to the second blog in our ‘Te Whare Tapere to Kapa Haka and Māori Concert Party’ series. -
Rauemi Reo : a guide to resources to help strengthen your reo Māori
Wellington City Libraries staff have produced an online pamphlet of 'Rauemi Reo : a guide to resources to help strengthen your reo Māori'. -
Te Whare Tapere to Kapa Haka and Māori Concert Party - Part 1
"Kia kawea tātou e te rēhia : Let us be taken by joy and entertainment" - From “Whare Tapere”, Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal -
Remembering Moana Jackson
He Tangata, he tangata, he tangata: of the people, by the people, for the people. He hōnore, he korōria ki te Atua he maungārongo ki te whenua. He whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata katoa. -
Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Wai 262 Claim
Over 3000 claims have been made to the Waitangi Tribunal during its first 40 years of existence. -
Naming the Land
Tēnā koutou katoa, e te whānau! Matariki is a time for recollection and remembering, as well as hope for the new year. -
Kōrero with Morrie Love of the Tenths Trust
In the early 1800s the stories behind the naming of the land in Te Whanganui-a-Tara were often sourced to Te Whatahoro Jury and three women - Ngarimu Mawene, Mere Ngamai and Rangiwahia Te Puni. -
Dr George S. Evans : a life
I recently enjoyed the refined atmosphere of the Wellington Club while admiring Helen Riddiford’s account of Dr. George Samuel Evans. -
Jock McEwen: He kōtuku rerenga tahi
We speak sometimes of special people amongst us who have travelled successfully in two worlds. Quite often there follows the story of one such. -
Johnny Cooper, 'The Māori Cowboy'
Johnny Cooper, hero of early New Zealand rock’n’roll, died earlier this month in Lower Hutt, aged 85. -
The Early Māori Newspapers
What do you get when you cross Gutenberg’s printing press with the communal, oral storytelling of Māori tradition? -
What's your name?
Tēnā koutou! Nau mai, welcome to the first Rauemi blog post. This blog series looks at different resources, highlighting new, useful or unusual sources of Māori information. -
Pixie Williams: The Voice of Blue Smoke
On Monday September 16 2014 at 10.30 am, Wellington Central Library will be opening a special display celebrating the life of Pixie Williams.