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Libraries closed Monday 28 October

All our libraries will be closed Monday 28 October for the Labour Day public holiday.

Sign up for our Teen Newsletter Please

By mem

DID YOU KNOW that we have a newsletter that goes out monthly for teens?! If you did, surely you're signed up for it already. If you didn't, read this and let us convince you to sign up!

The title "A Good newsletter's guide to library content" next to the book cover of "A good girl's guide to murder"

If you'd missed the news about our newsletter (can a newsletter itself be news? Or can it only contain news?), we can't really blame you. It's been going out very sporadically for the last *mumble* years.

But now we are making a commitment to YOU, young people of Wellington, that YOUR newsletter will be arriving in your inboxes every month, and the first one's already gone out! Packed with everything you want to know about library services for young adults, dives into the depths of our collections, interesting things that have happened at Youth Nights, book reviews, and anything really that we ancient librarians think will be interesting and relevant to the people in our fair city with two-digit-ages that start with a '1'. And whose combined digits add up to at least 4.

And we're already running out of ideas, so we're looking to our loyal readership to also supply any newsletter content you think people might like to read. Artwork you've created. Book reviews. Reviews of library events you went to. Photos of cool things you've seen. Photos of cool artwork you've created. We want it! Send us anything and if you impress us librarians (it’s not hard, we don’t get out much) we might add it to the next newsletter.

Email with your offerings!

If you want to receive our monthly words of wisdom (right into your inbox! So convenient!) all you need to do is go to the newsletters page of our website, enter your email, tick the 'Teen' box, and click save!

And now, because we've already sent one newsletter out and if you're reading this we're fairly sure you're not already subscribed, we'll again try to entice you to sign up with some of our premium (ie. free) newsletter content you missed out on!

Librarians going on about their fav books

Cover of Sabriel, featuring a dark haired young woman wearing a blue surcoat and a bandolier of bells across her chest, on a black starry background

I honestly didn’t read much as a teen. I found most YA books boring. BUT one book I did read and loved was Sabriel. If you like fantasy (or not) it is a must read! It has everything you want in a fantasy. Creepy monsters, a paper plane you can ride and a sassy cat.

- Anonymous Librarian

P.S. – YA books aren’t all boring, just don’t try to be too pretentious and read all the boring books. DNF the boring ones and pick up the ones you can’t put down!

“Don’t judge a book by its cover”

Except… That’s exactly what we’re doing here. We’ve dived deep into our stacks and have emerged with some books with covers that just …made us pause. We know nothing about these books other than what’s on the cover, so don’t know what’s actually inside the book, but maybe you’d like to read them and send us a review?

Book: "A case for G. String" tagline "Who was that shadowy figure at Ms Horn's house? And why on earth won't delicious Darcy notice the papergirl?

A Case for G. String

  • Almost made a librarian spit out their tea
  • What have g-strings got to do with papergirls and ‘the delicious Darcy’?
  • Apparently the word covered by the barcode sticker is ‘shadowy’, which doesn’t help things make more sense
  • That mid-2000s cover design tho
Book cover "My Darling, my Hamburger" by Paul Zindel. Cover image is of four faces drawn in black over a blue and pink sky.

My darling, my hamburger

  • Just confusing
  • A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a hamburger
  • I just can’t make any call about what the book’s actually about from the cover and I WANT TO KNOW MORE

Once again, you can sign up to receive our monthly email offering over on the newsletters page of our website.

Go on.

Do it.