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Guest post: Digital disruption, New Zealand SMEs, and reevaluating your business valuation

By Linda, Business Development Customer Specialist

Our Business Librarian highlights resources of interest to local businesses. Have a read of this guest blog piece on the importance of business valuation to SMEs.

Jimmy Lin, CA, of Proficio NZ is a Wellington-based Chartered Accountant and CAANZ Certified Specialist in Risk and Business Valuation. As one of New Zealand’s few certified experts in these fields, Jimmy is a passionate advocate for the importance of business valuation, especially for SMEs. He is dedicated to helping business owners unlock their full potential by providing accurate and insightful valuations. With extensive experience advising businesses across various industries, Jimmy combines deep technical expertise with a genuine commitment to empowering SMEs. His goal is to ensure that business owners have the information they need to make informed decisions, driving growth and ensuring long-term success.

Jimmy says:

Digital transformation is changing how industries work. New Zealand SMEs face both challenges and chances. Knowing your business's true value is key in today's digital world. Digital disruption is not just a trend; it's changing how businesses grow and compete.

Planning for growth, looking for investment or financing, or getting ready to exit? A clear view of your company's valuation is vital. With fast tech changes and shifting markets, it's time for New Zealand SMEs to check their business valuation. This can help unlock your business's true value.

Key Takeaways:

  • Digital disruption is changing industries, offering both ups and downs for New Zealand SMEs.
  • Knowing your business's true value is key, especially now.
  • Regular business valuation helps with smart decisions on growth, investment, financing, exit planning, and managing risk.
  • An independent business valuation can reveal your company's true worth and guide your strategy.
  • Getting ready for valuation and choosing the right firm are crucial for the best results.

Understand the Value of Your Business

Finding out what your business is really worth is key in today's fast-changing market. Getting regular business valuations gives you important insights. It helps you know your company's worth, spot areas to improve, and make smart choices for growth. Knowing what affects your business's value is crucial to reaching its full potential.

Importance of Regular Valuation

It's vital to check your business's value often. This lets you see how your company's market value changes, check its financial health, and find ways to improve cash flow and equity. Knowing your business's value helps you make smart choices about investments, buying other companies, or selling your business.

Factors Influencing Business Value

Many things affect a business's value, including:

  • Cash Flow: Your business's ability to make steady and predictable cash flow is a big factor in its value.
  • Equity: The equity in your business, like its assets and intangible assets, such as its brand and patents, greatly affects its value.
  • Revenue and Profitability: Keeping your revenue growing and staying profitable is key to keeping and boosting your business's value.
  • Market Conditions: The state of the economy and your industry can change your business's market value, for better or worse.

Knowing these main value factors is key to managing and growing your business well. It helps you make informed choices about its valuation and where it's headed.


Digital Disruption and Its Impact

Technology is changing fast, and it's affecting businesses all over the world. In New Zealand, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are feeling this change too. Digital disruption is changing how businesses work, bringing both good and bad changes. This can greatly change the value of your company.

Things like online shopping and new tech like artificial intelligence and cloud computing are changing the game. Businesses must look at their company's intangible assets and adjust to stay ahead. Knowing how digital changes affect your industry and business is key to figuring out your company's value during the valuation process.

As your industry and business change, so does the value of your company's intangible assets. These can include things like patents, brand names, and customer ties. Being proactive can help you sell your business or get ready for a merger at a good price.

Working with business valuation services can give you the knowledge and help you deal with the challenges of digital disruption. They can show you how to determine the value of your business. By understanding the business valuation method and what affects your future earnings, you can make smart choices about selling a business or getting ready for an M&A deal.

"In the age of digital disruption, the ability to accurately determine the value of your business is crucial for ensuring its long-term success and profitability."
Jimmy Lin CA, Risk & Business Valuation Specialist

Independent Business Valuation: A Crucial Step

Getting an independent business valuation is key for entrepreneurs and business owners in New Zealand. A pro can help you understand your company's real financial statements, fair value, and worth.

Benefits of Independent Valuation

An independent business valuation brings many benefits, including:

  1. It gives a full look at your company's assets and liabilities. This shows your enterprise value and liquidation value.
  2. It shows 6 methods to find your company's fair market value. These methods look at net profit and financial performance.
  3. It evaluates your business's economic value. This helps you see the worth of your current operations and find growth areas.
  4. It prepares a detailed valuation report. This report explains the approaches to business valuation used and the true value of your valuation of businesses in NZ.
  5. It finds potential methods of valuation to use. These can help you subtract from your current business is valued and boost your finances.

Investing in an independent valuation helps you make smart choices. It can improve your financial performance and grow your business in the digital world.

Preparing for the Valuation Process

As a business owner, knowing your company's value is key, especially with digital changes. To get an accurate business valuation, prepare well by collecting your financial records.

Documentation and Financial Records

A good business valuation needs correct and current financial info. This includes income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These show your company's financial analysis and free cash flow.

Having a deep understanding of your finances helps the business valuation specialists give a precise company valuation.

Some important financial documents to gather include:

  • Income statements for the past 3-5 years
  • Balance sheets for the past 3-5 years
  • Cash flow statements for the past 3-5 years
  • Detailed breakdowns of revenue and expenses
  • Information on any assets, liabilities, or debt
  • Projections for future cash flows and free cash flow

By offering this detailed financial info, you help the business valuation specialists do a deep cash flow valuation, asset-based valuation, or other valuation methods. This ensures a smooth and accurate company valuation process.

Valuation Methods and Approaches

When figuring out the determining the fair value of your business, you have several valuation approaches to pick from. Knowing these valuation works helps you choose the most appropriate method to find your business or company's true worth.

The most common valuation approaches include:

  1. Income Approach (Discounted Cash Flow): This method looks at your business's cashflow. It estimates the present value of future cash flows to find the overall value.
  2. Market Approach (Comparable Sales): This approach compares your business to similar ones that have sold recently. It shows what someone is willing to pay for a business like yours.
  3. Asset-Based Approach (Book Value or Liquidation Value): This method calculates the value of your business by adding up the fair market value of its assets and subtracting liabilities.

Choosing the right valuation approach depends on your business models and needs. A weighted average cost of capital analysis can guide you in picking the best valuation approach for your small businesses.

"Accurately valuing your business is key, whether you're wondering how to value it for growth or looking to sell it in the future."
Jimmy Lin CA, Risk & Business Valuation Specialist

Learning about each valuation approach helps you determine the fair market value of your business. This knowledge lets you make smart choices about its future.

Selecting the Right Valuation Firm

Finding the right valuation firm is key to knowing your business's true worth. These experts have the skills and experience to give a precise look at your company's value. This can help you make smart choices and get the most out of your business.

Expertise and Experience

Choose a valuation firm with deep knowledge of your industry and a history of giving accurate advice. They should know the specifics of your product and market. They should also be up to date with the industry benchmarks and trends that affect your business valuation. They should offer a wide range of valuation methods. This way, they can give a full view of your business's value, whether you're buying, selling, or improving your earnings before interest.

By picking a valuation firm with the right expertise and experience, you can trust that your business's true value is being looked at closely. You'll get the insights you need to make smart choices about your company's future.

Understanding the Valuation Report

When you want to know a company's value, the valuation report is key. It gives a full look at what your business is worth. It shows the methods used, main assumptions, and breaks down assets, liabilities, and value.

This report helps you make smart choices for your business's future. It's useful for mergers, acquisitions, or just understanding your company's worth. It gives insights that can shape your strategy.

Key Components of the Valuation Report

  • Valuation Methodology: The report explains how your company's value was figured out. This could be through the market approach, income approach, or asset-based approach.
  • Financial Analysis: It goes deep into your company's finances. This includes looking at revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities.
  • Intangible Assets: The report values your company's things that aren't physical, like intellectual property, brand, and customer ties.
  • Market Trends: It looks at the current market and trends that could change your business's value.
  • Assumptions and Limitations: The report shares the main assumptions and limits of the valuation process.

Knowing what's in the valuation report helps you understand your company's worth better. This way, you can make smarter choices for its future.

Understanding your valuation report
Valuation Metric Industry Average Your Company's Value

Revenue Multiple



EBITDA Multiple



Asset Value

$1.5 million

$2.1 million

The valuation report is a detailed document full of important info about your business's value. By getting what it says, you can make better choices for your company's future. This includes growth, M&A, or optimizing your business.

Leveraging the Valuation for Growth

Understanding your business's worth through the valuation process opens doors for growth and smart decisions. This info is key for mergers, acquisitions, or improving your operations. Business valuation services give you insights to spot new chances, boost your competitive edge, and increase your business's value.

Looking at discounted cash flow and other business valuation methods shows your company's future earnings potential. This info helps you make smart choices on investments, expansions, or selling your business. It ensures your decisions match your long-term goals.

A detailed valuation process might show your business is worth more than you thought. This could mean selling it for a better price. Or, it might show areas to improve, boosting your future earnings and business value.

Using a deep business valuation is a strong way to sell your business or grow sustainably. Knowing your business's true multiplier helps you make better decisions. This puts your company on a path to long-term success.

"The true value of a business is not always evident on the surface. A professional valuation can uncover hidden strengths and unlock new opportunities for growth."
Jimmy Lin CA, Risk & Business Valuation Specialist


In today's world, it's vital for New Zealand SMEs to rethink their business value. An independent business valuation can show your company's true worth. It helps spot growth areas and guides future decisions.

Whether you're thinking about selling, merging, or improving, a detailed valuation is key. It gives you the insights needed to thrive in a fast-changing market.

An in-depth look at your finances and assets uncovers your business's fair value. By exploring 6 common valuation methods, you learn your business's economic and enterprise value. This knowledge helps you make smart choices that match your long-term goals.

For New Zealand SMEs, understanding your business's value is crucial in a digital world. With a clear view of your company's worth, you can plan for growth, innovation, and lasting success. Don't miss this chance to unlock your business's full potential and secure a bright future in the digital age.