Author event: M. Darusha Wehm at Waitohi Library, Wednesday 26 March
Join us for this exciting author event! Come along to hear multi-award-winning speculative and science fiction author M. Darusha Wehm, in conversation with Dave Agnew.

It isn’t often we get the chance to stage an event with a Nebula-nominated and Sir Julius Vogel Award-winning author, so when the opportunity arrived, we jumped at it!
M. Darusha Wehm will be introducing their new book, Transmentation | Transience - the opening instalment of a planned epic, multiverse-spanning trilogy by writing team Darkly Lem, of which Wehm is a member.
Darkly Lem self-describe as 'five authors in an impeccably tailored trench coat, namely Josh Eure, Craig Lincoln, Ben Murphy, Cadwell Turnbull, and M. Darusha Wehm'.
Event details
When: Wednesday 26th March, 6pm
Where: Waitohi Johnsonville Library - 34 Moorefield Road, Johnsonville
This is a free event. Please note we expect this event to be very popular and seating will be on a first come first served basis.
About the author

Photo credit Erica Poole all right reserved.
M. Darusha Wehm is the Nebula Award-nominated game designer of 'The Martian Job' (available on Steam, iOS and Google Play) and Sir Julius Vogel Award-winning author of the novella, 'Hamlet, Prince of Robots'.
They are also the author of over a dozen novels, including the Terraforming Mars tie-in 'Shores of a New Horizon'. Darusha writes science fiction and speculative poetry as M. Darusha Wehm and mainstream poetry and fiction as Darusha Wehm. Their short fiction has been published widely and their poetry has been a finalist for the Rhysling Award. Darusha is a member of the Many Worlds writing collective, and they are a fifth of the writing team Darkly Lem.
Originally from Canada, Darusha now lives in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand after several years sailing the Pacific.
About the book
Transmentation | Transience is a vast vast mind-bending and multi-world-spanning novel by the writing collective, Darkly Lem. The book is set in a universe that has emerged over thousands of years and covers thousands of worlds; a universe in which interdimensional travellers have arisen. These are worlds replete with complex characters seeking power, glory or knowledge, and features stunning world building and cutting-edge science fiction concepts. All these elements build into an intricately woven work that raises questions about the very nature of the universe.
The book has already been compared to the works of Tamsyn Muir, Jeff VanderMeer, and The Expanse series.
The evening promises to be a totally unmissable treat for science fiction and speculative fiction fans!