No. 9. Ohariu and Makara block (McCleverty's Deed)


18 October, 1847.
Exchange for other lands.

KO MATOU ko nga Rangatira, me nga Tangata o Ohariu i te kainga o Poneke, ko nga Tangata i a matou nga tae kai me etehi whenua ano ka whakaae inaianei i te tahi tekau ma waru o nga ra o Aketopa i te tau o to tatou Ariki kotahi, mano e waru rau e wha tekau ma whitu kia tukua whakareretia atu a matou mahinga kai katoa e takoto ana i waenganui o nga whenua a nga Pakeha i Ohariu ranei, i Makara ranei. Hei utu mo te whenua ka oti nei te homai mo matou e Kanara Makereweti ratou ko nga Kawana kua whakaae nei e matou kua kite iho nei e matou kanohi He mea ta ki te kara whero i roto o te pukapuka ko nga ekara ki roto o aua whenua e rua o nga mano e rua rau e waru tekau ma rua o nga ekara e rua tekau ma wha o nga Paehe nui ake ranei iti iho ranei. Ko nga whenua me nga Ekara o roto, me ona kaha koia enei.

Tuatahi. [1. Ohariu. 351a. 2r. 7p] Ko nga whenua o nga Maori "77", "88", "97" i Ohariu Kainga, kotahi pihi tinana ko nga Ekara kei roto e toru rau, e rima tekau ma tahi o nga Ekara e rua o nga rure, e whitu o nga paehe. Ko te kaha o te Hau Raro, o taua pihi whenua ko te pihi whenua "67" kei te Marangai ko nga pihi whenua "3" "4" "7" "8" kei te Tonga ko te pihi whenua "78" kei Ohariu anake. Kei te Mauru ko tetehi pihi whenua tinana. Kei Waenganui o te "88" me te "75" kei Ohariu ano.

Tuarua. [2. Ohariu. 131a. 2r. 16p.] Ko tetehi wahi whenua kahore ano i ruritia kotahi rau e toru tekau ma tahi o nga Ekara, e rua rure ko tahi tekau ma ono o nga Paehe me te mea i ki atu i runga, kei waenganui o nga hihi "88" me te "75" ko te kaha ki te Marangai, ko te "88" ko te kaha ki te Mauru ko te "75" ko te kaha ki te Tonga ko te pihi "74" ko te kaha ki te Hauraro ko te pihi "72" katoa kei Ohariu anake.

Tuatoru. [3. Ohariu. 131a. 2r. 9p. ] Ko te whenua o nga Maori, ko te turanga a te Pa. Ko nga Ekara, kei roto kotahi rau e toru tekau ma tahi o nga Ekara e rua rure, e iwa o nga paehe ko te kaha o te taha o raro, ko te Moana. Kei te taha e te Hauraro, ko te whenua kahore ano i ruritia me tetahi wahi o te pihi "76" kei te Marangai ko te pihi "80" Kei te Tonga, ko te pihi 81 kei Ohariu anake kei te Mauru, ko te Whenua kahore ano i ruritia, penei me tenei ka whakakitea.

Tuawha. [4. Ohariu. 1,300 acres] He pihi whenua tinana kahore ano i ruritia kei te Hauauru o te Pa, ko tahi tekau ma iwa o nga mahinga Maori kei roto kotahi rau e rua tekau ma tahi o nga Ekara kei roto o aua mahinga kotahi mano e toru rau o nga Ekara ko nga kaha o raro me te Mauru ko to moana kei te Tonga he whenua kahore ano i ruritia. Ko te kaha kei te Marangai kei te Tonga o te pihi "35" i Makara haere tonu ana i roto i te pito Tonga o nga mahinga o nga tangata Maori e rima nga ekara, e toru rure, e rua tekau ma rua, o nga paehe kei te marangai ko nga raina ko koti o nga pihi "78" "81" "82" to Ohariu kainga me te "39" "37" me te "35" o te Makara kainga.

Tuarima. [5. Makara. 200a. 0r. 32p] Ko nga pihi o nga Maori "37" me te "39" kei te Makara kainga e rua rau o nga Ekara, kotahi rure, e toru tekau ma rua o nga paehe. Ko te kaha ki te taha Wakararo ko nga wahi pukepuke kahore ano i ruritia kei te Mauru ko taua pihi whenua tinana i ki atu ai imua kei te Tonga o te pihi "35" me to te Marangai ko te pihi "38" o Makara kainga, me te "37" o to Ohariu Kainga.

Tuaono. [6. Kaiwharawhara. 167a. 1r. 0p.] Ko tetahi wahi o tera pihi whenua i Kaiwharawhara ko nga ekara kei roto kotahi rau, e ono tekau ma whitu ko tona kaha ki te Marangai ko te Wai Kaiwharawhara kei te Tonga ko te wahi mo Pipitea kei te Mauru te wahi i karangatia mo Taringa Kuri ratou ko ona tangata kei te taha Wakararo ko nga pihi whenua "7" ko te "8" o a nga Pakeha.

Deed 9 Reo Māori Table
- E. R.P.

Tua 1 Te Kainga o nga Maori "77" "88" "97" ...



Tua 2 Pihi tinana ki waenga o te 88 75 ... ...



Tua 3 Kainga Maori 98 turanga o te Pa ... ...



Tua 4 Pihi kei te Hau Auru o te Pa ... ...



Tua 5 Kainga Maori "37" "39" ... ...



Tua 6Pihi ki Kaiwharawhara ... ... ...







Ko Tiohira

Ko Te Pohe

Ko Tapoto

Signed in the presence of on the eighteenth of October 1847, at Wellington -
W. A. McCleverty, Lt.Colonel.
S.M. Scroggs, Asst. Survor.
W. Duncan, Interpreter

Witnesses to the two last, Ko Tiohira & Ko tapoto -
W. A. McCleverty, Lt.Colonel.
R. Byerley Parkes.

Ko te pohe is also guaranteed in a house and Taro garden of about 3/4 of a mile from Ohariu on the coast northerly opposite to Section 74.

W. A. McCleverty, Lt.Colonel.


18 October 1847
WE the undersigned Landholders and Chiefs residing at and belonging to Ohariu in the Port Nicholson District agree on the eighteenth day of October one thousand eight hundred and forty seven to give up to Her Majestys Government all cultivations which we have hitherto had on sections in the Ohariu and Makara Districts belonging to European Settlers on our receiving from Lieutenant Colonel McCleverty subject to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor or Governor portions or blocks of land which we have seen and accepted of as shewn and coloured red in the annexed plan containing in all two thousand two hundred and eighty two acres and twenty four perches more or less. The blocks, contents, and boundaries are as follows.

  1. [Ohariu. 351a. 2r. 7p. ] First. Native Reserves "77" "88" "97" Ohariu District are in one block containing three hundred and fifty-one acres two roods and seven perches - the block is bounded on the North by section "69" on the East by sections "3" "4" "7" and "8" on the South by section "78" all in the same District, and on the West by a block of land between sections "88" and "75" in the same District.
  2. [Ohariu. 131a. 2r. 16p. ] Second. A portion of unsurveyed land containing one hundred and thirty one acres two roods and sixteen perches as referred to above between sections "88" and "75" bounded on the East by the former, on the west by the latter, on the South by section "74" and, the North by section "72" all in the Ohariu District.
  3. [Ohariu. 131a. 2r. 9p.] Third. Native Reserve "98" on which the Pah is situated, it contains one hundred and thirty one acres two, roods and nine perches, it is bounded on the North West by the sea, on the north by unsurveyed land and part of section "76," on the East by section "80," on the South by section "81" all in the same District and on the West by unsurveyed land as following.
  4. [Ohariu. 1,300 acres. ] Fourth. A block of land unsurveyed to the South West of the Pah comprising nineteen native Gardens including one hundred and twenty-one acres - the block contains one thousand three hundred acres, bounded on the North and West by the sea, on the South by unsurveyed land. The boundary line being the Magnetic East and West, from the South boundary of section "35" Makara District running through the South end of the most Southerly of the Native cultivations namely five acres three roods and twenty-two perches and on the East by the boundary lines of sections "95" "81" "82" Ohariu District and "39" "37" "35" Makara District.
  5. [Makara. 200a. 0r. 32p. ] Fifth. Native Reserve "37" and "39" Makara District containing two hundred acres one rood and thirty two perches, bounded on the North by a rugged piece of unsurveyed land on the West by the aforesaid block on the South by section "35" and on the East by section "38" Makara District and "87" Ohariu District.
  6. [Kaiwharawhara. 167a. 1r. 0p. ]Sixth. Part of the block of land (500 acres) at Kai wara-wara containing one hundred and sixty-seven acres, bounded by the Kai Wara-wara Stream on the East, by the portion of the block allotted to the Pipitea Natives on the South, by the portion of the block allotted to Taringa Kuri and his tribe on the West, and by settlers sections "7" and "8" Kai wara-wara District on the North.
Deed 9 English Table
- A. R.P.

No. 1 Native Reserves "77" "88" "97" ...



No. 2 Block of land between 88 and 75 ... ...



No. 3 Native Reserve "98" (Pah) ... ...



No. 4 Block to South West of the Pah ... ...



No. 5 Native Reserves "37" "39" ... ...



No. 6 Part of the 500 Acre block at Kaiwara ... ...






Produced before the Nat. Land Commr. as to investigation of the title of Te Haranui and as to Ohariu at Wellington.
Thos. H. Smith.
Judge, N.L.C. July 3, 1866.

No. 100. Received for Registration at 11 o'clock a.m. 11th March, 1848.
Robert R. Strang, Registrar of Deeds.

A true copy of Original Deed, Translation and, Endorsement.
H. Hanson Turton. Wellington, January 12th, 1876.