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No. 8. Pitone block (McCleverty's Agreement)


Petone deed map image

13 October, 1847.
Exchange for other lands. Boundaries [6,926 acres.]

Ko MATOU ko nga tangata me o nga Rangatira e noho nei ki Pitone, ki roto ki te Tauranga o Poneke, ko nga tangata i a matou nga tae kai, me etahi whenua ano. Ka whakaae inaianei i te tahi tekau ma toru o nga ra o Oketopa i te tau o to tatou Ariki kotahi mano e waru rau e wha tekau ma whitu kia tukua whakareretia, a matou mahinga kai katoa e takoto ana i waenganui o nga whenua o nga Pakeha ki roto Poneka ranei, i Heretaonga ranei, i te ara ki Horokiwi ranei, hei utu mo te whenua ka oti nei te homai e Kanara Makerewiti ratou ko nga Kawana, katoa o tera pihi whenua o te "58" ona whika o roto o te pukapuka ki te kainga i Heretaunga. Ko te wahi kei te taha mauru o te awa o Heretaunga i kihai tera tukuamai mo matou. Engari nga pihi "1" "2" "3" "16" "42" o taua kainga me te pihi whenua "20" ki a matou tahi ko nga tangata o Waiwetu he whenua na nga maori katoa ena whenua. Ko nga pihi whenua "11" o ona whika kei te pukapuka, kei te ara ki Horokiwi me te "5" kei tai, he whenua na nga maori anake, me nga pihi e rua, kotahi kei te ara o Horokiwi e tata ana ki Pitone, he whenua kahore ano i ruritia e taka ana ki roto ki nga kaha "21" "16" "15" "14" "12" "11" "9" ko te ara ki te kainga ki Horokiwi "79" "78" "20" "24" "28" "80" "109" o to Heretaunga kainga tika tonu ana ki nga kaha o te "21" o te pihi whenua i te kainga o Horokiwi me te "109" o Heretaunga, huia katoatia 2221 o nga eka ra, e 2 o nga paehe "36" o nga rure kei te pukapuka tuatahi o Petone - me tetahi whenua ano kahore ano i ruritia kei Parangarau, me nga Repo tuna. (ko whanga tera ko whangapiripiri) me o nga tahataha o te awa o Wainuiomata tae ra ano ki te "25" o te pihi whenua o tera kainga. Ko te kaha ki te mauru me te kaha ki te Tonga ko te moana, ko runga o nga Pukepuke kei te taha o te Marangai o Wainuiomata tika tonu ki te Marangai me te raina e haere atu ana ki nga pihi whenua o nga Pakeha i Hiorau (whakarere atu ra nga kainga o nga Pakeha) ka haere tonu ki runga ki nga Pukepuke, ka haere wakararo pena me te mea i whakakitea ana ki roto ki te pukapuka tua "2" o Pitone ka huihuia katoa 4704 1/2 o nga eka ra, huia katoa nga kainga mo nga tangata o Pitone, i penei me te tuhinga o raro o tenei pukapuka.

Deed 8 Reo Māori table
-- Ko nga pihi Ko te kainga Ko nga ekara me nga

Te tua 58 kei te Taita ...


Heretaonga ... ...

91 | 0 | 6

Te 1,2,3,16,20, ko te rua tekau
ki a matou tahi ko nga tangata i Waiwhetu


Heretaonga ... ...

327 | 3 | 0
229 | 0 | 16

Te 42 (Wai-wero-wero) ...


Heretaonga ... ...

152 | 0 | 36

Te 11 ... ...


Horokiwi ara ... ...

102 | 2 | 16

Te 5 ...


Ko te Tauranga ... ...

104 | 0 | 0

Pihi tinana ...


Korokoro ... ...

1,214 | 2 | 2

Pihi tinana ano ...


Wainuiomata ... ...

4,704 | 2 | 1
2,221 | 2 | 36



Katoa ... ...

6,926 | 0 | 37

Ko te Puni

Tuari E

Paki Taura


Hohua te Atua

Hone te Meke

Paruku Pani

Patara te Tapetu

Hakopa Rerewa

Wiremu Patene


Hohua Parete



Panapa Pitione

Henere Te Ware

Manihera te Toru



Mohi Taiata

Wirihana Puremu

Signed in the presence of, on the thirteenth day of October 1847 - W. A. McCleverty, Lt.Colonel. S.M. Scroggs, Asst. Survor. W. Duncan, Interpreter
No. 95. Received for Registration at 11 o'clock a.m.., 11th March, 1848. Robert R. Strang Registrar of Deeds.

Memo About Section 20

DEED to Waiwetu is dated August 30th, 1847, the following endorsement is made thereon - In addition E Puni relinquishes any claim to a portion of Native Reserve No. 20 Lower Hutt District near the Bridge to the Waiwetu Natives, as shown in the plan and Deed of No. 1 Pitoone. W. A. McCleverty, Lt. Colonel.


13 October 1847
WE the people and chiefs living at Pitone in the Harbour of Wellington being the owners of the cultivations and other lands do now consent,on the thirteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven to give up altogether all our cultivations lying between the lands of the Europeans either in Wellington or the Hutt or on the Horokiwi Road in exchange for the lands now given by Colonel McCleverty and the Governors [being] All that piece of land numbered "58" on the Plan of the Hutt district. The portion on the Western side of the Hutt river is not for us but the pieces Numbered "1" "2" "3" "16" and "42" of that District and the piece numbered "20"are for us and the people of Waiwhetu together these lands belong to all the Maoris. The pieces Numbered "11" on the plan on the road to Horo-kiwi and that numbered "5" near the water are lands belonging to the Maoris alone and the two pieces one on the Horokiwi Road near Pitone uusurveyed bounded by Nos. "21" "16" "15" "14" "12" "11" "9" on the Horokiwi Road "79" "78" "20" "24" "28" "80" "109" of the Hutt district on to the boundaries of No. "21" Horokiwi District and 109 Hutt District making altogether 2221 acres 2 roods and 36 perches on the Deed No. l of Pitoone also a piece of unsurveyed land at Parangarau and the eel lagoons (Whangatera and Whangapiripiri) and on the banks of the river Wanuiomata to section "25" of that district bounded on the West and South by the sea, along the Hills on the East of Wainuiomata direct to the East and the line running to the places of the Europeans at Hiorau (leaving the places of the Europeans out) thence on to the Hills thence in a northerly direction as the same is shewn on the Deed No. 2 of Pitone making altogether 4704 1/2 acres. The total of the places for the people are as set forth in the Schedule.

Deed 8 Reo English table
-- Parcels Locality Area

No. 58 at Taita...


Hutt ... ...

91 | 1 | 6

Nos. 1,2,3,16,20. Number 20 is for us
and the people of Waiwhetu together


Hutt ... ...

327 | 3 | 0

229 | 0 | 16

No. 42 (Waiwerowero) ...


Hutt ... ...

152 | 0 | 36

No. 11 ... ...


Horokiwi Road ... ...

102 | 2 | 16

No. 5 ...


Harbour District... ...

104 | 0 | 0

Block ...


Korokoro ... ...

1,214 | 2 | 2

Block ...


Wainuiomata ... ...

4,704 | 2 | 1
2,221 | 2 | 36



Total ... ...

6,926 | 0 | 37

[Witnesses] [Signatures]
Correct translation.

T.E. Young.
Translator, Native Department.
A true copy of Original Deed, Memorandum, Endorsement and Translation.
H. Hanson Turton. Wellington, January 15th, 1876.