No. 6. Ngahauranga Block


Map of sections 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

4 October, 1847.
McCleverty's Deed. Exchange for other lands. Site of pa etc reserved.

Ko matou ko nga Rangatira me nga tangata Ongauranga e noho nei ki Ngauranga i te Wahapu o Poneke. Ko nga tangata i a matou nga tae kai me etahi whenua ano. Ka whakaae inaianei i te wha o nga ra o Oketopa i te tau o to tatou Ariki, ko tahi mano e waru rau e wha tekau ma whitu, kia tukua whakareretia atu a matou mahinga kai katoa e takoto ano i waenganui o nga whenua o nga Pakeha i roto ranei i tai o Poneke. Engari ko nga tae kai i taka mai i roto o nga kaha kotahi rau kotahi tekau o nga ekara nui ake ranei iti iho ranei i pena me te tuhituhi o roto o te pukapuka i runga o nga pihi whenua tua 7 tua 8 ko tua 9 ko tena kihai matou i whakaae atu no te mea ko te whenua tena a matou pa me o a matou mahinga kai i mahi ai matou i te taenga mai o Kapene Pitiroi Otira ko etehi whenua ka whakaae atu hei utu mo te whenua ka oti nei te homai (ko papakauhero) mo matou e Kanara Makereweti ratou ko nga Kawana ko te kaha ki te Tonga ko te pihi whanua tua 5 ko tutaiwera ko te kainga ia mo te Pune, ko te taha ki te hauraro ko te pihi tua 7 e taka ana ano ki reira tetahi wahi o te 110 ekara ko te kaha ki te marangai ko te ara ki Pitoone ko te kaha ki te mauru ko te pihi whenua tua 3 me tetehi wahi o te pihi tua 2 o te ara ki te Kenepura huia katoatia o te pihi i homai mo matou 112 o nga ekara huia kotoatia 222 o nga ekara mo matou ka wakaae atu ano pihi whenua tua 7. Kei waenganui tonu o te pihi me te ara huia katoatia o te mahinga e rua o nga ekara.

Ko te Manihera x his markKo MohiKo te WateneKo MatiahaKo WaitaraKo KiparaKo TamatiKo Tiaki (Mem. is represented by his son Hoani RopataKo RakautaraTiaki. G. Swainson, Feb 23/7)Ko PirikaKo Wiremu KingiKo te OtiKo te RangiKo PitamauiKo te KarawaKo te AwaruaKo RawiriKo ReueraKo Wiremu WeroKo HemionaKo TimotiKo te ReiKo Haimona

Signed in the presence of on the fourth of October 1847 Wellington -
W.A. McCleverty, Lt. Colonel and Depy. Qr. Mr. Genl.
John E. Smith, Clerk to the said Colonel McCleverty, Wellington
W. Duncan, Interpreter.

The names of these twenty-one signed by Te Watene, in the presence of Te Manihera.

English translation

We the Landholders and Chiefs residing at and belonging to Ngauranga in the Harbour of Port Nicholson, agree on the Fourth of October One thousand eight hundred and forty seven to give up to Her Majesty's Government all those cultivations which we have hitherto had on sections belonging to European settlers in the Harbour district or elsewhere excepting those cultivations included within the boundaries namely one hundred and ten acres and thereabouts be it more or less as shown on the accompanying plan on sections "7" (seven) "8" (eight) and "9" (nine) which we absolutely decline to give up being the ground on which our Pah and our immediate cultivations are situated and which were in cultivation at the time of Captain Fitzroy's arrangements. But we surrender all our lands elsewhere on Settler's sections excepting the above one hundred and ten acres on our receiving from Lieutenant Colonel McCleverty, subject to the approval of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor Reserve No. "6" (six) section Harbour District bounded on the South by Reserve No. "5" (five) allotted to E. Puni on the North by Section No. "7" (seven) on which is situated a part of the above one hundred and ten acres on the East by the road to Petoni and on the West by section No. "3" (three) and part of section No. "2" (two) of the Kinapora District.

The said Reserve contains ... ... ... ...112 acresBlock or Sections No. "7", "8", "9" being their present cultivations110 acresTOTAL225 acres

Te Manihera also will be guaranteed for this year only in a cultivation on Section No. "7" (seven) between the above named block and the road, it does not exceed two acres to which he agrees.

No. 96. Received for Registration at 11 o'clock a.m. 11th March, 1848. Robert Strang, Registrar of Deeds.

A true copy of Original Deed, Maori translation, and Endorsement.
H. Hanson Turton.
Wellington, January 13th, 1876.