No. 3. Heretaunga Block, Hutt District


12 November, 1844
Receipt for £400

Kia Mohio nga tangata katoa ki tenei pukapuka ka wakaae maua, kia tukua ki te Kawana o Nui Tireni a Heretaunga hei wenua mo to wakaimnenga o Nui Tireni, ko nga utu enei ka riro mai nei i a maua e wa nga rau o nga Pauna moni koia hoki ka tuhituhia nei o maua ingoa o maua tohu ki raro iho i tenei rangi i te tahi tekau ma rua o nga. Ra o Nowema i te tau o to tatou Ariki kotahi mano e waru rau e wa tekau ma wa i te aroaro o -

Na TE RAUPARAHA x tana tohu
Na TE RANGIHAEATA x tana tohu


LET ALL MEN know the contents of this document. We two consent to surrender Heretaunga to the Governor of New Zealand on behalf of the N.Zd Company. We have received £400 in payment. Hence our names and marks are written below, on this day, the 12th day of November in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-four.

Na TE RAUPARAHA x his mark
Na TE RANGIHAEATA x his mark

In the presence of -
    Henare Matine Te Wiwi
    Tamihana Katu

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation
H. Hanson Turton.

Wellington, December 31st, 1875.