No. 17. Orongorongo Block, sections 1-5


TENEI PUKAPUKA i tuhituhia i tenei 8 Tuawaru o nga ra o Noema i te tau o to tatou Ariki 1873 he pukapuka tino hoko tino hoatu tino tuku whakaoti atu na matou na nga Rangatira me nga Tangata o Pipitea no ratou nga ingoa e mau i raro nei a hei whakaatu tenei pukapuka mo matou mo o matou whanaunga me o matou uri mo te tuhituhinga o o matou ingoa ki tenei pukapuka i raro i te ra e whiti nei kua whakarerea rawatia kua tino tukuna rawatia atu ki a Wikitoria Kuini o Ingarani ki ona uri ki nga Kingi ki nga Kuini o muri iho i a ia me ana me a ratou e whakarite ai hei whakaritenga mo nga pauna moni £100 kotahi te rau pauna takitahi kua utua mai ki a matou e (Charles Heaphy) Te Hiwhi mo te Minita mo to taha Maori mo te Kuini (a e whakaaetia nei e matou te rironga mai o aua moni) ko taua wahi whenua katoa kei Orongorongo e tata ki Poneke ko nga Tekiona 1 kotahi 2 e rua 3 e toru 4 e wha, 5 e rima te ingoa taua wahi whenua ko nga rohe kei raro i te Pukapuka nei e mau ana te korero whakahaere ko te mapi hoki o taua whenua kua apititia ki tenei. Me ona rakau me onako whatu me ona wai me ona awa nui me ona roto me ona awa ririki mo nga mea katoa o taua whenua o runga ranei o raro ranei i te mata o taua whenua me o matou tikanga me o matou take me o matou paanga katoatanga ki taua wahi, kia mau tonu ki a Kuini Wikitoria ki ona uri ki ana rauei e whakarite ai hei tino mau tonu ake tonu atu. A hei tohu mo to matou whakaaetanga ki nga tikanga katoa o tenei Pukapuka kua tuhituhia nei o matou ingoa me o matou tohu. A hei tohu hoki mo te whakaaetanga o te Kuini o lngarangi mo tana wahi ki nga tikanga katoa o tenei pukapuka kua tuhia nei te ingoa o Charles Heaphy V.C. o Poneke Kaiwhakarite whenua Rahui Maori ko nga rohe enei o taua whenua ki te taha o te Taranaki 2750 E rua mano e whitu rau e rima tekau riniki ki te taha o te Marangai taua whenua Rahui Maori 7000 e whitu mano riniki 3400 e toru mano e wha te rau riniki 3450 e toru mano e wha te rau e rima tekau riniki ki te taha o te Marangai ma raki ko taua whenua Rahui Maori 5900 e rima te mano e iwa te rau riniki ki te taha o te Tonga ki taua whenua Rahui Maori 2000 o rua mano riniki ki te taha o te Hauauru ma Tonga ko te Moana ki te taha o te Hauauru ko to Awa o Orongorongo me taua whenua Rahui Maori 4150 e wha mano kotahi rau e rima tekau riniki. Ko tona ahua e mau ana i te taha o tenei pukapuka.

Poneke, 8 Noema, 1873. Kaiwhakarite Whenua Rahui Maori.

Te Ropiha Moturoa x.
Wi Hapi Pakau.
Ihaia Ngamate.
Hare Parata.
Tipene te Raro.
Paratene te Autoroa.
Mohi Puketapu.
Heremaia te Awhi.
Karena te Hau.
Pero te One.
Wi Tipene.
Maraea te Ngana.

Kua riro mai ki a matou i tenei ra i te 8 tuawharu o nga ra o Noema i te tau o to tatou Ariki kotahi mano e waru rau e whitu tekau ina toru (1873) nga pauna moni kotahi rau takitahi (£100.0.0) ko te utu katoatia tenei kua whakahuatia ki te pukapuka tuku e mau i runga ake nei kia utua mai ki a matou e te Hiwhi (Charles Heaphy) mo te Kuini.

Nga-kaititiro ki tenei utunga me te tuhinga o nga ingoa me te whakaaetanga a Te Ropiha Moturoa mo nga pauna moni kotahi rau takitahi kua riro atu ki a ia -
Wi Tako Ngatata.
Manihera te Ngatoro.
Henare te Puni.
Hemi Parae.
John L. M. Carey.

THIS DEED written on this 8th eighth day of November in the year of our Lord 1873 is a full and final sale conveyance and surrender by us the chiefs and people of Pipitea whose names are hereunto subscribed and Witnesseth that on behalf of ourselves our relatives that and descendants we have by signing this Deed under the shining sun of this day parted with and for ever transferred unto Victoria Queen of England Her Heirs the Kings and Queens who may succeed her and Her and their assigns for ever in consideration of the sum of £100) one hundred pounds to us paid by Charles Heaphy for the Honorable the Native Minister on behalf, of the Queen Victoria, (and we hereby acknowledge the receipt of the said monies) all that piece of our Land situated at Orongorongo near Port Nicholson and named Sections one two three four and five the boundaries whereof are set forth at the foot of this Deed and a plan of which land is annexed thereto with its trees minerals waters lakes streams and all appertaining to the said land or beneath the surface of the said land and all our right title claim and interest whatsoever thereon, To hold to Queen Victoria Her Heirs and assigns as a lasting possession absolutely for ever and ever. And in testimony of our consent to all the conditions of this Deed we have hereunto subscribed our names and marks. And in testimony of the consent of the Queen of England on Her part to all the conditions of this Deed the name of Charles Heaphy V.C. of Wellington Commissioner of Native Reserves is hereunto subscribed. These are the boundaries of the land, on the North by the Orongorongo Native Reserve 2750 two thousand seven hundred aud fifty links, on the East by the same Reserve 7000 seven thousand links, 3400 three thousand four hundred links, 3450 three thousand four hundred and fifty links, on the North East by the same Reserve 5900 five thousand nine hundred links, on the South by the same Reserve 2000 two thousand links, on the South West by the sea, on the West by the stream called Orongorongo and by the aforesaid Native Reserve 4150 four thousand one hundred and fifty links, as more particularly shewn on the plan in the margin and colored red, containing in all five hundred and ninety four (594) acres more or less.

Commissioner of Native Reserves

(Sd.) Ropiha Moturoa x.
" Wi Hapi Pakau.
" Ihaia Ngamate.
" Hare Parata.
" Tipene te Raro.
" Paratene te Autoroa.
" Mohi Puketapu.
" Heremaia te Awhi.
" Karena te Hau.
" Pero te One.
" Wi Tipene.
" Maraea te Ngana.

(Sd.) Mere Anani.
" Raima Hohepa.
" Ani Moari.
" Ripeka Kaiwharaki.
" Ani.
" Parata.
" Hera Piko.
" Mere Parata.
" Ataria Henere.
" Hana Parata.
" Petama Tahurangi.

Received this (8th) day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy three (1873) the sum of one hundred pounds sterling (£100.0.0) being the full consideration money expressed in the above written Deed to be paid by the said Charles Heaphy for the Native Minister on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen to us. (Sd.) TE ROPIHA MOTUROA.

Receipt for £100
Witnesses to the payment and to the signatures to the Deed and to the receipt of Ropiha Moturoa for £100 one hundred pounds -
(Sd.) Wi Tako Ngatata.
" Manihera te Ngatoro.
" Henare te Puni.
" Hemi Parae.
" John L. M. Carey.

Declaration of Thos. E. Young
I, THOMAS E. Young, of Wellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, Licensed Native Interpreter, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows, that is to say, -
1. That I did faithfully interpret in the Maori language the above-written deed to Te Ropiha Moturoa and other Natives mentioned therein, before the execution of the said Deed by them.
2. That my translation of the said Deed was correct, aud was fully understood by the said Te Ropiha Moturoa and other Natives.
3. The said Deed was executed by the said Te Ropiha Moturoa and other Natives in the presence of John Le Marchant Carey and of me this declarant, and was executed on the day it bears date, being the eighth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy three.
4. The name John L. M. Carey, set and subscribed as one of the witnesses attesting the due execution ot the said Deed, is of the proper handwriting of the said John L. M. Carey, and the said John Le Marchant Carey is a male adult. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of tho General Assembly of New Zealand intituled "The Justices of the Peace Act, 1860"
Declared at Wellington this twenty fifth day of November, 1873.

Before me -
A Justice of the Peace in and for the Colony of New Zealand.

Trust Commissioner's certificate
I, Charles Heaphy, the Trust Commissioner under "The Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870," for the District of Wellington, do hereby certify that I have, with respect to the within-written instrument and the alienation thereby witnessed, made the inquiries directed by the said Act, and do certify that I am satisfied with the result of such inquiries.
Trust Commissioner.
Dated this 26th day of November, 1873.

Receipt for £30
We have this day received at the hands of Mr. McLean the sum of Thirty pounds sterling as payment for our land at Orongorongo and in token of our having received this money on this the twentieth day of August 1853 We have hereunto signed our names on this the ninth day of January 1854. (Sd.) Na Te Rei Pukekura X Witnesses - (Signed) Manihera, J.P., Wairarapa. True Translation. H. T. KEMP.

Receipt for £4.3.4 paid to each claimant
We the undersigned aboriginal owners of the land at Orongorongo Port Nicholson District as hereinafter described do each acknowledge to have received this eighth (8th) day of November 1873 at Wellington from the Honble. the Native Minister by the hands of Charles Heaphy Esq. V.C. the sum of £4.3.4 four pounds three shillings and four pence being the amount in full of our respective shares of the sum of One hundred pounds (£100) which we individually and collectively have agreed upon as the full amount of payment or compensation to be given to us on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Victoria for the cession of all our right title and interest in and to the Sections Numbers 1 one, 2 two, 3 three, 4 four and 5 five in the Orongorongo block and at Orongorongo containing in all (594A.) five hundred and ninety four acres more or less as the same is more particularly drawn and described in the pian in the margin hereof and there colored red. And in satisfaction of all claims and demands whatsoever in and to the said land And we for ourselves our heirs and successors do each agree and promise to execute a proper and complete conveyance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria or her successors for the said land whenever we may be called upon by the Governor of New Zealand or any one acting in his behalf so to do. And we each for ourselves our heirs and successors do declare and promise that if at any time hereafter any person or persons should make good or prove any claim to the said land or any part of it as in addition to or against our interests and claims now sold to Her Majesty the Queen we will pay to such person or persons the full amount of any compensation or money consideration whatsoever that may by any Court of Law be adjudged as equivalent to such person or persons share or shares in such lands. In Witness to the above we do hereby sign our names or make our marks respectively.

Te Ropiha Moturoa x his mark.
Te Wiremu Otaki.
Wi Hapi Pakau.
Ihaia Ngamate.
Hare Parata.
Tipene te Raro
Paratene te Autoroa.
Mohi Puketapu.
Karena te Hau.
Ihaia te Wiu.
Heremaia te Awhi.
Perp te One.

Wi Tipene.
Maraea te Ngana.
Mere Anaru.
Raima Hohepa.
Ani Moari.
Ripeka Kaiwaraki.
Ani Parata.
Hera Piko.
Mere Parata.
Atana Henare.
Hana Parata.
Pitama Tahurangi.

Signed or marked this 8th day of November 1873 at Wellington Port Nicholson in the presence of us -
Wi Tako Ngatata.
Manihera te Ngatoro.
Henare te Puni.
T. E. Young, Certificated Interpreter, Wellington.
John L. M. Carey, Clerk, Wellington.

Commissioner's Certificate
I, Charles Heaphy, the Trust Commissioner under "The Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870," for the District of Wellington, do hereby certify that I have, with respect to the within-written instrument and the alienation thereby witnessed, made the inquiries directed by the said Act, and I certify that I am satisfied with the result of such inquiries.
Dated at Wellington this 26th day of November, 1873.

Declaration of Thos. E. Young
I, THOMAS E. YOUNG, of Wellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, Licensed Native Interpreter, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows, that is to say, -
1. That I did faithfully interpret in the Maori language the above-written Deed to Te Ropiha Moturoa and other Natives mentioned therein before the execution of the said deed by them.
2. That my translation of the said Deed was correct, and fully understood by the said Te Ropiha Moturoa and other Natives.
3. The said Deed was executed by the said Te Ropiha Moturoa and other Natives
in the presence of John Le Marchant Carey and of me this declarant, and was executed on the day it bears date, being the eighth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three.
4. The name John Le Marchant Carey, set and subscribed as one of the "witnesses attesting the due execution of the said Deed, is of the proper handwriting of the said John L. M. Carey, and the said John Le Marchant Carey is a male adult. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled "The Justices of the Peace Act, 1866."
Declared at Wellington, this 26th day of November, 1873.

A Justice of the Peace in and for the Colony of New Zealand.

A True Copy of Original Deed and Translation, Receipts, Declarations, and
Wellington, January 3rd, 1876.