No. 15. Tekamaru Block, Ohariu


Map of Tekamaru Block, Wellington District

Boundaries [494 acres]
Receipt for £15.

Tenei pukapuka i tuhituhia i tenei (25) e rua tekau ma rima mo nga ra o Akuata i te tau o to tatou Ariki 1873 he pukapuka tino hoko tino hoatu tino tuku whakaoti atu na maua na nga Rangatira me nga tangata o Ngatuenuku no raua nga ingoa e mau i raro nei a hei whakaatu tenei pukapuka mo maua mo o maua whanaunga me o maua uri mo te tuhituhia o o maua ingoa ki tenei pukapuka i raro i te ra e whitu nei kua whakarerea rawatia kua tino tukuna rawatia atu ki a Kuini Wikitoria o Ingarani ki ona uri ki nga Kingi ki nga Kuini o muri iho i a ia me ana me a ratou e whakarite ai hei whakaritenga mo nga pauna moni Tekau ma rima £15 kua utua mai ki a matou e Charles Heaphy Esq. V.C. mo te Kuini (a e whakaaetia nei a maua te rironga mai o aua moni) ko taua wahi whenua katoa kei Tekamaru e tata ana ki Ohariu ko Te Ika-a-maru te ingoa o taua wahi whenua ko nga rohe kei raro i te pukapuka nei e mau ana te korero whakahaere ko te mapi hoki o taua whenua kua apititia ki tenei. Me ona rakau me ona kowhatu me ona wai, me ona awa nui, me ona roto, me ona awa ririki me nga mea katoa o taua whenua o runga ranei o raro ranei i to mata o taua whenua me o maua tikanga me o maua take me o maua paanga katoatanga ki taua wahi. Kia mau tonu ki a Kuini Wikitoria ki ona uri ki ana ranei whakarite ai hei tino mau tonu ake tonu atu. A hei tohu mo to matou whakaaetanga ki nga tikanga katoa o tenei pukapuka kua tuhituhia nei o maua ingoa me o maua tohu. A hei tohu hoki mo te whakaaetanga o te Kuini o Ingarani mo taua wahi ki nga tikanga katoa o tenei pukapuka kua tuhia nei te ingoa o Charles Heaphy Kaiwhakarite whenua rahui Maori ko nga rohe enei o taua whenua ki te Taha o to Tuaraki ko te moana ki te taha o te Marangai - ko nga tekiona 27, 66, me 65 e rua tekau ma whitu e ono tekau ma ono me e ono tekau ma rima ki te taha o te tonga ko te tekiona 64 e ono tekau ma wha. Ki te taha o te hauauru ko te tekiona 64 e ono tekau ma wha. Ki te taha o te hauauru ko te tekiona 63, 26, me 19 e ono tekau ma toru e rua tekau ma ono me kotahi tekau ma iwa. Ko nga tangata i kite i te hoatutanga o nga moni me te tuhinga o nga ingoa -

George H. Davies, Licensed Interpreter, Wellington
J.L.M. Carey, Clerk, Wellington.

CHARLES HEAPHY, Comr Native Reserves
25 August, 1873.
Kua riro mai ki a maua i tenei ra i to 25 a rua tekau ma rima o nga ra o Akuata i te tau o to tatou Ariki kotahi mano e waru rau e witu tekau ma toru (1873) nga pauna moni tekau ma rima nga pauna (£15.0.0) ko te utu katoa tenei kua whakahuatia ki te pukapuka tuku e mau i runga ake nei kia utua mai ki a maua e Te Hiwhi (Charles Heaphy) mo te Kuini.

Nga Kaititiro -
George H. Davies, Licensed Interpreter, Wellington
J.L. M. Carey, Clerk, Wellington.


This DEED written on this (25) twenty fifth day of August in the year of our Lord 1878 is a full and final sale conveyance and surrender by us the Chiefs and people of the tribe of Ngatuenuku whose names are hereunto subscribed, and witnesseth that on behalf of ourselves our relatives and descendants we have by signing this Deed under the shining sun of this day parted with and for ever transferred unto Victoria Queen of England her heirs the Kings and Queens who may succeed her and Her and their assigns for ever in consideration of the sum of Fifteen pounds (£15 . 0 . 0) to us paid by Charles Heaphy Esq. V.C. on behalf of the Queen Victoria (and we hereby acknowledge the receipt of the said monies) all that piece of our land situated at Tekamaru near Ohariu in the Province of Wellington the boundaries whereof are set forth at the foot of this Deed and a plan of which land is annexed thereto with its trees minerals waters, rivers lakes streams and all appertaining to the said land or beneath the surface of the said land and all our right title claim and interest what-soever thereon To hold to Queen Victoria her heirs and assigns as a lasting possession absolutely for ever and ever. And in testimony of our consent to all the conditions of this Deed we have hereunto subscribed our names and marks. And in testimony of the consent of the Queen of England on Her part to all the conditions of this Deed the name of Charles Heaphy Native Reserve Commissioner is hereunto subscribed. These are the boundaries of the land on the North by the Sea on the East by Sections numbers twenty seven (27) sixty six (66) sixty five (65) on the South by section number sixty four (64) on the West by sections numbers sixty three (63) twenty six (26) and nineteen (19).

CHARLES HEAPHY, Comr Native Reserves
25 August, 1873.


Witnesses to the payment and signatires -
(Sd.)George H. Davies, Licensed Interpreter, Wellington
J.L. M. Carey, Clerk, Wellington.

Declaration of George Henry Davies
I, GEORGE HENRY DAVIES, of Wellington, in the Province of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, a Licensed Interpreter of the Maori language, do solemnly and sincerely declare--
1. That I hold a certificate authorizing me to act as Interpreter under "The Native Lands Act, 1865," "The Native Lands Act, 1867," and "The Native Lands Act, 1869," which certificate is in full force and effect.
2. That I was present, together with J. L. M. Carey, of Wellington, in the Province aforesaid, and did see Wi Tako Ngatata and Paretawahara, named in the Deed of conveyance hereto annexed, sign and execute the same.
3. That immediately before the execution of the said Deed by the said Wi Tako Ngatata and Paretawahara I did faithfully interpret the same into the Maori language to them, and my translation was correct and was understood by them.
4. That the names of George Henry Davies and J. L. M. Carey, set subscribed as
those of the attesting witnesses to the execution of the said Deed by the said Wi Tako Ngatata and Paretawahara, are of the proper handwriting of the said Wi Tako Ngatata and Paretawahara and of me this declarant, and the said Wi Tako Ngatata and Paretawahara are adults ; and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of an Act of the General Assembly New Zealand intituled "The Justices of the Peace Act, 1866".
Licensed Interpreter, Wellington.

Declared at Wellington, in the province aforesaid, this twenty-fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. Before me -
H. T. Clarke,
A Justice of the Peace in and for the Colony of New Zealand.

Commissioner's Certificate

I, Charles Heaphy, the Trust Commissioner under "The Native Lands Frauds Prevention Act, 1870," for the District of Wellington, do hereby certify that I have, with respect to the within-written instrument and the alienation thereby witnessed, made the inquiries directed by the said Act, and do certify that I am satisfied with the result of such inquiries.
Dated this seventh day of January, 1874.
Trust Commissioner.

A True Copy of Original Deed, Crown Grant, Certificate, and Registration.
Wellington, September 27th, 1875.