Libraries closed Mon 20 January

All our libraries will be closed on Monday 20 January for Wellington Anniversary Day. Our eLibrary resources, eg Libby, will continue to be available.

LinkedIn Learning outage

There is a NZ wide outage with access to LinkedIn Learning. We've reported the issue to our vendor and hope to have it resolved soon.

No. 11. Kaiwharawhara block (Memorandum)

Map from Kaiwharawhata deed

No date. Exchange for other lands. Memorandum on plan.

KO TE PUKAPUKA Tauira tenei o nga oneone kua oti nei te whakarite e nga Kawana hei oneone mo nga tangata o "Kaiwharawhara" o "Ohariu" me titiro iho ianei ki nga rohe kua oti te ta, ki to tai whero : huihuia katoatia, e wha-rau e wha-tekau o nga ekara - ko nga utu ko nga whakaritenga enei, mo a matou tae kai katoa o mua e takoto haere ana i roto o nga whenua o nga Pakeha, koia tenei ka tukua whakareretia atu nei mo nga Pakeha hei oneone mo ratou - oti tonu atu.

Na te Kanara tenei tuhinga,
me tenei whakaritenga.


Plan of the lands allotted to the Kaiwharawhara Natives including the Section No. 4 purchased on their account, the three blocks are within the red boundaries, and contain about four hundred and forty (440) acres, these lands are given in lieu of lands on settlers' sections. They are also guaranteed in their Pahs at Kaiwharawhara and Tiakawi.
W.A. McCleverty
Lt. Colonel and depy Qr. Mr Genl.

The plans of the Pahs and Reserves at Kaiwara-wara and Tiakawi guaranteed to the Natives are annexed.
W.A. McCleverty
Lt. Colonel

The Natives of the Ngatitama tribe residing at Kaiwara-Tiakawi and Ohariu are guaranteed in a Pah on Native Reserves 659, 660 in the Town of Wellington the plan is annexed, as the residence of those formerly living at Tiakiwi on the beach of Thorndon flat.

No. 101 Received for registration at 11 o'clock a.m. 18th March, 1848
Robert Strang, Registrar of Deeds, Wellington.

A true copy of Original Memorandum, Translation and, Endorsement.
H. Hanson Turton. Wellington, January 15th, 1876.