No. 10. Pipitea block (McCleverty's Deed)


"Pipitea No. 2" map

KO MATOU ko nga tangata me nga Rangatira e noho nei ki Pipitea i Poneke No te hapu o Ngatiawa ko nga tangata i a matou nga tae kai me etehi whenua ano, ka whakaae inaianei i te tahi o nga ra o Noema i te tau o to tatou Ariki kotahi mano e waru rau e wha tekau ma whitu kia tukua wakareretia atu a matou mahinga kai katoa e takoto ana i waenga o nga whenua o nga Pakeha i runga atu o te Ara haere ki Karori ki Kai whara whara ki Heretaonga ano hoki tai ra ano i roto, katoa o Poneke. Hei utu mo te whenua ka oti nei te homai mo matou e to Kanara ratou ko nga Kawana - kua whakaaetia nei e matou kua kite iho nei o matou kanohi he mea ta ki te kara whero i o roto o te pukapuka. Huihuia katoatia e whitu mano e wha rau e toru tekau ma ono o nga ekara nui ake ranei iti iho ranei ki te pukapuka tuatahi tuarua tuatoru tuawha tuarima tuaono. Ko nga kaha koia enei.

Kote Tuatahi : Ko nga pihi whenua o te Taone 033 . 634. 635 . 637 ko te kaha ki te Mauru ko te maunga kei runga ake o te Taone ko te kaha ki te Marangai koia tenei ko te ara haere ki Karori taki kotahi ekara o aua pihi whenua.

Ko te Tuarua : Ko tetehi wahi o taua Maunga kei runga ake o te Taone ko te kaha ki te taha Mauru ko nga whenua itua ko Kai Wara Wara ko te kaha ki te Hauauru ko te toru tekau o nga pihi whenua o te Kainga i Karori ko te kaha ki te Hauraro ko taua maunga ano ko te kaha ki te Marangai ko te ara ki Karori me nga pihi whenua o te Taone huihuia.

Tuatoru : Ko tetahi wahi o nga ekara e rima rau kei te taha o to Mauru o te Awa o Kai Whara Whara. Ko te kaha ki te mauru, ko te kainga o Te Ringa Kuri. Ko te kaha ki te Hauraro ko te kainga o nga Tangata o Ohariu huihuia katotia o te wahi i tukua ma Pipitea. Ka kotahi rau e toru tekau ma wha o nga ekara.

Tuawha : Ko tetehi pihi whenua kei te ara o Porirua. Ko tetahi wahi o te tuawhitu apitia tahitia ki te tuaiwa he kainga i waiho imua ma nga Maori i te Kenepuru huihuia katoatia e rua rau e rua tekau ma tahi o nga ekara ko te kaha ki te mauru ko te ara ki Karori e rima tekau o te roa o nga teini nui ake ranei, iti iho ranei, ko te kaha o te Hauraro ko te te tahi tekau o nga pihi whenua tekau ma waru te roa o nga teini nui ake ranei iti iho ranei.
Ko te kaha ki te tonga ko te tuaono o nga pihi whenua e wha tekau ma rima o nga teini te roa ko te kaha ki te Marangai ko nga pihi whenua Te nga kainga o te Tauranga o Poneke ko te roa e whitu tekau ma tahi teini ko te awhe.

Ko te Tuarima : Ko nga kainga o te Taone i te Aro (tuawhitu o nga ekara).
Ko te Tuaono ko te tahi pihi whenua i Orongorongo 6990 o nga ekara kei roto ko te kaha o taua whenua kei waho atu o te kainga o nga pakeha ko tana kaha ki te Marangai me te kaha ki te tonga ko te moana. Engari kotahi tekau ma ono o nga teini i taka mai ano ki runga o te awa o Orongorongo i kite ano a Wairarapa i te ruritanga me te kotinga o nga raina.
Ko nga kaha he te hauraro ko nga kainga kahore ano i ruritia me nga kainga o Te Ringa Kuri ko Mukamuka ko te kaha ki te mauru ko runga o nga pukepuke i wehe ai Wainui-o-mata ki te taha ko Orongorongo ki tetahi taha ko te wai rere e rere ana ki Orongorongo mo Pipitea ano tera - taki kotahi rau o nga ekara ki aua pihi whenua ko nga kaha o waho o aua whenua kua oti te kokoti pena me te tuhituhinga o roto o to Puka a nei.
Huia katoatia o te mea ma Pipitea i penei me to tuhituhinga o roto o tenei pukapuka.

Deed 10 Reo Māori Table
- Ekara

Tua 14 Nga Kainga kei te ara ki Tenokore...


Tua 2 Ko tetahi wahi o Tenokore...


Tua 3 Ko tetahi taha o tera ki Kaiwharawara


Tua 4 Ko tetahi wahi o tera ki te Kenepuru...


Tua 5 Ko nga kainga o Moturoa ..


Tua 6 Ko tera ki Orongorongo...




Also a small portion of native reserve 542 in the Town on which is a house and garden belong to Purutu's family.

W.A. McCleverty

The plan of the Pa will hereafter be annexed : it is guaranteed to them and is a Native or Public Reserve.
W.A. McC.

Signed on the first day of November at Wellington by Parata of Pipitea and the marks attached to the 19 first by Ko te Huru for 4 last in the presence of-
W.A. McCleverty, Lieut. Colonel
Horace Charlton
W. Duncan, Interpreter.

Ko moturoha x tona tohu
Wairarapa x tona tohu
Parata Kohemi x tona tohu
Tamati tona tohu
Karoriki tona tohu
Maka x tona tohu
Kereopa x tona tohu
Hohepa x tona tohu

Signed by Ko Muturoa on the 5th day of November at Wellington in the presence of -
W.A. McCleverty, Lt. Col.
S. M. Scroggs, Assist. Surveyor
W. Duncan, Interpreter.

Ko terei x tona tohu
Ko hare x tona tohu
Ko henare x tona tohu
Ko Kuaha x tona tohu
Kohipa x tona tohu
Ko panapa x tona tohu
Ko, arahine x tona tohu
Ko te patuiuri x tona tohu

Signed on the 13th day of November, 1847 at Wellington in the presence of W.A. McCleverty, Lieut. Colonel
W. Tacy Kemp, Native Secretary
W. Duncan, Interpreter.

Ko heremaia x tona tohu
Ko pihuka x tona tohu
Ko Wipukahu tona tohu
Ko hohua tona tohu
Ko pipi x tona tohu
Ko pure tona tohu
Ko ra-wi-ri tona tohu
Ko te Kuru tona tohu
(last four by Ho te huru)

Te Wiremu
E. Ingo

For themselves on behalf of Mangatuka & Tepene his son

Wi Rangiawhia
Hone Wetere

per Ihaia & Pakau

No 97. Received for Registration at 11 o'clock a.m., 11th March, 1848.
Robert Strang, Registrar of Deeds.


English deed. (McCleverty's)
18 October 1847
PIPITEA, Wellington District.
WE the undersigned Landowners and Chiefs residing at and belonging to Pipitea in Wellington of the Ngatiawa Tribe agree on the first day of November one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven to give up to Her Majesty's Government all those cultivations which we have hitherto had on sections on the Karori, Kai Warra Warra, Harbour, and Lower Hutt or other District belonging to European Settlers on our receiving from Lieutenant Colonel McCleverty subject to the approval of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor portions or blocks of land which we have seen and accepted of as shown and coloured red on the accompanying plan containing in all 7436 acres more or less as marked on Plan 1, No. & on Plan 2, No. 6. the boundaries of which are as follows.

No. 1. Four town sections. [4 acres] Town sections number 633, 634, 635, & 637 bounded on the West by Town Belt and on the East by Karori Road each section containing one acre.

No. 2. Part of Town Belt. [80 acres] Part of the Town Belt bounded on the West by the Kai Warra Warra District, on the South West by section 30 Karori District, on the North by the Town Belt, and on the East by the Karori Road and Town section containing 80 acres.

No. 3. Part of Kaiwharawhara Block [134 acres] Part 500 acres block on the Western side of the Kai Warra Warra River bounded on the West by the part which belongs to Te Ringa Kuri and on the North by another portion belonging to Ohariu Natives - the part given to the Pipitea Natives contains about one hundred and thirty-four acres.

No. 4. Sections on Porirua Road [221 acres] A Block of Land on the Porirua Road comprising part of No. 7, and the whole of No. 9, Native Reserves in the Kinapora District containing in all two hundred and twenty-one acres bounded on the West by the Karori Road for fifty chains more or less, on the North by No. 10, section for fifty-eight chains more or less, on the South by No 6 section for forty five chains and on the East by sections 9. 10. 11 . 12. Harbour District for the distance of seventy-one and a half chains.

No. 5. Seven town Native reserves. [7 acres] Seven Town Native Reserves. Seven Town Native Reserves in Polhill's Gully each - containing one acre.

No. 6. Orongorongo Block [6990 acres]. A block of land at Orongorongo contains six thousand nine hundred and ninety acres, or thereabouts, part of which is outside the company's block of the Nicholson District. It is bounded on the East and South by the sea (except sixteen chains on the Orongorongo Stream surveyed and lines cut in the presence of Wairarapa and others, on the North by unsurveyed land and Te Ringa Kuri's land at Mukamuka, on the West by the top of the hills which divide the Vallies of Wainuiomata and Orongorongo the fall of water or streams - into the latter to belong to Pipitea. In the block are five sections of one hundred acres each, the outside boundaries of which have been surveyed and the lines cut into the map.

Deed 10 English Table
Total for Pipitea Acres

Map No. 14 Two Reserves Tinakori Road.


Map No. 2 Part of the Town Belt...


Map No. 3 Part of the block Kaiwarawara...


Map No. 4 Part of sections 7 8 & 9 Kinapora District...


Map No. 5Town Reserves (Moturoa's)...


Map No. 6 Block of land at Orongorongo...




Also a small portion of native reserve 542 on the beach belonging to Purutu and his family as per plan annexed no. 7, containing one chain.

W.A. McCleverty
Lt. Colonel.

A true copy of Original Deed, Translation and, Endorsement.
H. Hanson Turton. Wellington, January 7th, 1876.