Limited services, 13-18 March

From 13-18 March there will be limited circulation services while we transfer to our new system. You will still be able to borrow and return, but you won't be able to see the real-time status of items on the shelf, or see up-to-date information when you check your card. Find out more about services over this time.

Whānau Mārama - Whānau Mārama

Te Whānau Mārama are the family of light; the celestial bodies placed in the sky by the god Tane that guided Māori across the ocean and herald the seasons.

  • Puanga me Matariki

    Find resources to learn more, share this time with whānau, and celebrate who we are.
  • Pūrākau

    Discover pūrakau about Te Orokohanga o te Ao (the creation of the universe), and iwi legends.