Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Acknowledgements for Volume 3

Below you will find the full acknowledgements for the third volume of Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, published in 2005.

Cover of Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Volume 3

Published Text

"Acknowledgements". In Nga tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Volume 3, written by Sandra Clarke, assisted by Lotofoa Fiu and Ann Reweti. (2005)

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Meri Mygind in December 2004. With her passing, we have lost not just a treasured friend but also a valued reference librarian who eased the pathways to Te Ati Awa resources at the National Library of New Zealand.

Ki a koe kua wheturangitia, hoki wairua atu ki te matua nui i te rangi

As in previous books, our profiles have been compiled from Maori Land Court minute books, published sources, and anecdotal evidence. We hope you will contact us to correct any mistakes we may have made.

We welcome the input of two whanau, Simon George, and Matiu Baker, who have added a dimension to our work in recounting the stories of their respective tupuna. Tom Sawyers sent us interesting information and a photograph on Te Awhitu whanau, and we have now added Aubrey Matangi’s fi ne portrait of Manihera Te Toru. Dave Simmons assisted in our search for details of the life of Pane Waaka.

Wellington City Libraries pays tribute to Sandra Clarke whose passion for, and knowledge of, local Wellington history, and whose strong research skills have enabled her to complete her task within a very diffi cult time constraint. Lotofoa Fiu has pursued photographs and information from throughout the motu, and eased the work of Sandra and Ann Reweti.

We have relied heavily upon the support of our partners in this project, the Wellington Tenths Trust, and in particular, Neville Gilmore, Mark Te One, June Jackson, Liz Mellish, and Erini Shepherd.

Many thanks, once more, to Teri Puketapu for his careful attention to detail. We have also received assistance from the whanau whanui : Martha Gilbert, John Stratton, Ngaire Robinson, Paul Ell and Stephen Hanford.

From within the Library and Museum professions, our thanks to Kate Button and Joanna Moore at Te Papa, the staff of the Picture Collection at the Alexander Turnbull Library, Robin Dinnan at Kapiti District Library, Neil Coup and Jill McGregor at Hutt City Libraries, and Christine Whybrew formerly of Puke Ariki (New Plymouth).

Gabor Toth once again worked magic with his camera shots, and we thank Eileen Wharton, Joanne Horner and the Second Floor glitterati of Wellington City Libraries for their support. Maureen Smith again helped Sandra Clarke on the clerical work.