Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara - Acknowledgements for Volume 2
Below you will find the full acknowledgements for the second volume of Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, published in 2003.

Published Text
"Acknowledgements". In Nga tupuna II o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, prepared by Sandra Clarke, Lotofoa Fiu, Ann Reweti. (2003)
These profiles have been compiled mainly from Maori Land Court minute books and other published sources. We welcome any corrections or additional information from whanau members and the wider community.
Once again, this book could not have been produced without the willing co-operation of many people. Wellington City Libraries welcomes the skills and perseverance of Sandra Clarke in researching and writing some very difficult profiles.
We have relied heavily on the assistance and support of the Wellington Tenths Trust in this joint project, and thank especially Neville Gilmore, researcher for the Trust, Mark Te One, June Jackson, Charlie and Holden Hohaia for invaluable contributions and critiquing — and Aubrey Matangi and Russell Harrison for their interest and help.
On a wider iwi front, our thanks to Teri Puketapu and Matt Rei.
Within the Library and Museum professions, the skills and enthusiasm of Meri Mygind of the National Library and David Jones at Alexander Turnbull Library were greatly valued. Our thanks to Kate Button, and Awhina Tamarapa at Te Papa and Christine Whybrew and Tipene O'Brien at Puke Ariki, New Plymouth.
Our most grateful thanks must go to Maureen Smith, typist, who remained thoroughly cheerful and efficient throughout, also to Gabor Toth for assisting with the photographs, and to Publication & Design, Wellington City Council for bringing our second publication to print.