Hirini Nukutaia, died before 1867
Below is an online version, from Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Volume 1 (2001), of the biography for Hirini Nukutaia, reproduced with the kind permission of his whānau.

Published Text
Hirini was the son of Punatoto and Raepakoko and grandson of Kanaiterangi of Te Ati Awa. Kanaiterangi was the sibling of Taihuru, Te Kupenga, Tuhaereao, Rangipitia, and Tamanui. The children of Taiuru and Matakuatea were Te Manutoheroa, Pungana, Te Huakonga, Rangitewhakarere, Heru, Waioraukura and Nukaiahu. The children of Te Manutoheroa and Heketangarangi were Apahuna/Wikitoria, Hera Waitaoro, Te Wehi o te Whenau, Nga Pakawau, Te Tote, Piripi Pahau and Pirihira Ngamira. Apahuna/Wikitoria married Tuterangipouri II and their daughter, in turn, was Roera Rangi. Nukutara was a son of Tamanui and his wife Whakauarangi and Nukutara married Mapuna. Rawiri Nukaiahu’s wife was Paekawa, who is said to have signed the Treaty at Waikanae, 1840, and their daughter, Pairoke, married William Jenkins at Waikanae.
Hirini and Takawaru had three children. They were Mohi Puketapu (who came to Waiwhetu in the 1830s and married Harata, daughter of Te Rira Porutu), secondly, Karena Te Hau died. 21 September 1891 and who was granted part of section 16 at Pipitea Pa and, thirdly, Huihana Te Wao, wife of Mihaka, who in turn was the mother of Hirini Te Tute.
Hirini and Kautarewa had a daughter, Keti Kautarewa, who, with Pitama Tahurangi, lived at Pipitea Pa and Waiwhetu. Hirini remained at Waiwhetu during the period that the Ngati Mutunga went to Wharekauri and the Te Ati Awa went to Wairarapa. During that period he fished and gathered karaka berries in co-operation with Rawiri Te Matangi at Orongorongo. He signed one of the McCleverty agreements in 1847. Hirini had a small house on T.A. 635 in Tinakori Road and interests at Iwamata (Sydney Street), Otari and Wiremutaone (Johnsonville).
Neville Gilmore(1) in a paper on Lambton Quay and Molesworth Street Corner (Parliamentary Triangle) notes (2) that the Waipiro Stream flows from the ngakinga of Kumototo Pa, under Anderson Park, down Sydney Street West, under Parliament buildings, past Kaiota (Parliamentary Library) and is the paenga (threshold/boundary between Pipitea and Kumutoto. It is known that the mara (farm) or taupa (plot) “Te Iwamata” belonging to Hirini Nukutaia was on the Pipitea side of the stream. A little further east towards Pipitea Pa, in the vicinity of Kate Sheppard Place were taupa belonging to Tahuriao, (brother of Te Wehenga), Ropiha Moturoa, Mangatuku and Ngake.
Hirini’s sister Maraea Te Ngana lived at Waiwhetu until her death on 1 August 1885. Another sister Hoana was the wife of Ngakurae Puakawe.
- Wairarapa MB 1 p.32-33. 25 June 1867.
- Wellington MB 3 p.185. 9 September 1889.
- Wellington MB 35 p.257-260.
(MB = Minute Book)
I Te Reo Māori -
He tamaiti a Hirini nā Punatoto rāua ko Raepakoko, ā, he mokopuna nā Kanaiterangi o Te Āti Awa. He huanga a Kanaiterangi ki a Taihuru rātou ko Te Kupenga, ko Tuhaereao, ko Rangipitia, ko Tamanui. Ko ngā tamariki a Taiuru rāua ko Matakuatea ko Te Manutoheroa rātou ko Pungana, ko Te Huakonga, ko Rangitewhakarere, ko Heru, ko Waioraukura, ko Nukaiahu. Ko ngā tamariki a Te Manutoheroa rāua ko Heketangarangi ko Apahuna/Wikitoria rātou ko Hera Waitaoro, ko Te Wehi o te Whenau, ko Nga Pakawau, ko Te Tote, ko Piripi Pahau, ko Pirihira Ngamira. Ka moe a Apahuna/Wikitoria ki a Tuterangipouri II, ā, ko tā rāua tamāhine ko Roera Rangi. He tamaiti a Nukutara nā Tamanui rāua ko tōna hoa wahine a Whakauarangi, ā, ka moe a Nukutara ki a Mapuna. Ko te hoa wahine o Rawiri Nukaiahu ko Paekawa, i kīia nei nāna te Tiriti i haina ki Waikanae i te tau 1840, ā, i mārena tā rāua tamāhine, a Pairoke, ki a William Jenkins ki Waikanae.
Tokotoru ngā tamariki a Hirini rāua ko Takawaru. Ko Mohi Puketapu (i haere mai ki Waiwhetū i ngā tau 1830, ā, ka moe ki a Harata, te tamāhine a Te Rira Porutu), ko Karena Te Hau te tuarua, i mate i te 21 o Mahuru i te tau 1891, ā, ka tukua ki a ia he wāhanga whenua mai i tekiona 16 ki Pipitea Pā, ā, ko Huihana Te Wao te tuatoru, ā, he hoa wahine ki a Mihaka, ā, ko ia te whaene o Hirini Te Tute.
I whānau mai tētehi tamāhine a Hirini rāua ko Kautarewa, arā ko Keti Kautarewa, ā, ka noho tahi ia me Pitama Tahurangi ki Pipitea Pā me Waiwhetū. Ka noho tonu a Hirini ki Waiwhetū i te wā i haere a Ngāti Mutunga ki Wharekauri, ā, i haere hoki a Te Āti Awa ki Wairarapa. I taua wā ka hī ika me te kohikohi hua karaka ia me Rawiri Te Matangi ki Ōrongorongo. I waitohua e ia tētahi o ngā whakaaetanga a McCleverty i te tau 1847. He whare iti noa iho tō Hirini ki T.A. 635 ki Tinakori Road, ā, he whaipānga hoki ōna ki Iwamata (Sydney Street), ki Otari me Wiremutaone (Johnsonville).
E ai ki tētehi tuhituhinga a Neville Gilmore(1) e pā ana ki Lambton Quay me Molesworth Street Corner (Parliamentary Triangle), ka kīia (2) e rere ana te manga o Waipiro mai i te ngakinga o Kumototo Pā, i raro i a Anderson Park, ka heke ki a Sydney Street West, i raro i ngā whare Pāremata, ka hipa atu i a Kaiota (Te Whare Pukapuka o te Whare Pāremata), ā, ko ia te paenga i waenga o Pipitea me Kumutoto. E mōhiotia ana nō Hirini Nukutaia te mara (pāmu), te taupā (pito whenua) rānei a "Te Iwamata" kei te taha o te manga e hāngai pū ki a Pipitea. He taupā anō ō Tahuriao (te teina a Te Wehenga), ō Ropiha Moturoa, ō Mangatuku ō Ngake kei kō iti atu ki a Pipitea Pā i te takiwā o Kate Sheppard Place.
I noho tonu a Maraea Te Ngana, te tuahine o Hirini, ki Waiwhetū ā tae noa ki tōna mate i te 1 o Hereturikōkā i te tau 1885. Ko tētahi atu tuahine ōna ko Hoana, ā, ko ia te hoa wahine o Ngakurae Puakawe.