Limited services, 13-18 March

From 13-18 March there will be limited circulation services while we transfer to our new system. You will still be able to borrow and return, but you won't be able to see the real-time status of items on the shelf, or see up-to-date information when you check your card. Find out more about services over this time.

Nga Tupuna, Volume 1

Volume 1, published in 2001, gives an overview of the individuals, hapu and iwi who migrated to Te Whanganui-a-Tara from the Taranaki rohe during the 1820-1840 period.

Cover of Nga Tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Volume 1
Now also available in full scanned form on our Wellington Recollect website, with the kind permission of the Wellington Tenths Trust.


Nga tupuna o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, volume 1, written and researched by Sandra Clarke for Wellington City Libraries, with assistance from Ann Reweti and Lotofoa Fiu. (2001)

Index of Names and Places for Volume 1