Nohinohi Reorua

Immerse your whānau in te ao and te reo Māori at our special bilingual storytimes for tamariki!

A librarian reads a book in te reo Māori to a group of entranced children.

Whāngaia tō Tama Toa ki te pānui pukapuka! E toru tekau meneti pakiwaitara, rotarota, waiata hoki i roto i te reo Māori me teo reo Ingarihi, nō ngā kōhungahunga me ō rātou mātua kaitiaki.

Get your superhero hooked on reading! Nohinohi Reorua (Bilingual Little Ones) is one of our most popular programmes featuring stories, rhymes, songs and games in te reo Māori and English. This programme is perfect for tamariki aged 2 - 6 years accompanied by their caregivers.

Our regular schedule is presented below, but you can always check our event calendar for the most up-to-date times and locations.

Nohinohi Reorua times and locations
Location Day Time

Waitohi | Johnsonville

1st Tuesday of the month


Te Māhanga | Karori

2nd Tuesday of the month


Motu-kairangi | Miramar

3rd Thursday of the month


Ngā Puna Waiora | Newtown

3rd Wednesday of the month


Te Awa-a-Taia | Ruth Gotlieb (Kilbirnie)

3rd Monday of the month


Tawa Community Centre

Last Wednesday of the month
