Explore New Zealand Topics
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Explore New Zealand Topics
The library is home to many useful books and other resources to help you learn about and understand Aotearoa New Zealand, our home. Use one of our special search links below to get started on your journey learning about our history, famous New Zealanders, te ao Māori, and our natural world.
Aotearoa New Zealand Histories
New Zealanders
Te Ao Māori
Nature and the Environment
Image credits
You'll find credits for some of the images used above below. Some come from museums and libraries online. To find New Zealand and historical images we recommend Digital NZ
- "Te Tiriti ki te Manuao Herara | Herald-B" (CC BY 2.0) By Archives New Zealand. Image has been cropped.
- "Te Atatu Peninsula Hospice, Te Atatu Peninsula" (CC BY 3.0 NZ) by Auckland Libraries. Image has been edited.
- Wellington Harbour, N.Z. Major Charles Heaphy VC; artist; 1841; New Zealand. 1968-0024-1 (No known copyright) by Te Papa. Image has been edited.
- Wounded New Zealanders board a train en route to Blighty. Royal New Zealand Returned and Services' Association :New Zealand official negatives, World War 1914-1918. Ref: 1/2-013137-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22751558
- Wahine photo from The Evening Post supplied courtesy of The Museum of Wellington City and Sea.
- "International Women's Day, 8 March" (CC BY 2.0) Archives New Zealand. Image has been cropped.