Eager to read
This collection is structured to support children who are learning to read as well as developing readers.

Books in the Eager To Read collection (or ETRs for short) are designed with newer readers in mind, usually aged from 5-7. They range from simple, one word per page readers, through to simple chapter books and comics.
The collection is divided into three levels, which overlap at the edges of each range. As your young reader grows in confidence, they will naturally progress through these levels as their ability and natural interest in reading increases.
Level 1: Step Into Reading
The books in this level have a yellow shoe sticker on the spine, and have the following features:
- Simple, explicit vocabulary
- Simple themes
- Maximum of 3 lines of text per page
- Large-sized font
- Clear links between picture and text
- Repetition from page to page
Explore Level 1 Eager to Read books on our catalogue.
Level 2: Leap Into Reading
The books in this level have a green frog sticker on the spine, and have the following features:
- The introduction of new and increasingly complex words
- Themes are more in keeping with the experiences of an older child
- Sentences are longer but still contain only one idea
- More than 2-3 lines of text per page
- Smaller font
- Pictures don't always have such a specific link to the text
Explore Level 2 Eager to Read books on our catalogue.
Level 3: Take Off With Reading
The books in this level have a blue plane sticker on the spine, and have the following features:
- Greater amount of text on a page - sometimes up to 2 or more paragraphs
- May not have illustrations on every page
- Font closer to average size for children's fiction
- Sentences are more complex and may contain more than one idea
- Themes are more in keeping with the experiences of an older child
- Short chapters may be introduced