A ki M - A to M
Resources organised alphabetically: A to M
A -
International business information including business trends, management techniques and practice and more. You can also access The Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition), The Economist, and Financial Times in full text for free.
Academic Search Elite
A rich resource spanning a broad stretch of academic subjects with thousands of full-text journals and abstracted and indexed journals, many of which are peer-reviewed.
Ancestry Library
A research database for genealogists and family history enthusiasts, aiding you to trace your family history with records from United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Only available for in-library use.
AnyQuestions offers free online homework help to New Zealand school students. You can log on to the website from 1pm to 6pm Monday to Friday during the school year and chat online with a friendly librarian about a schoolwork question.
Archives of Sexuality & Gender (Gale)
Gale’s Archives of Sexuality & Gender spans the sixteenth to the twentieth century and is the largest digital collection of primary source materials relating to the history and study of sex, sexuality and gender. Highlights include New Zealand periodicals Pink Triangle and Out! New Zealand’s Alternative Lifestyle Magazine
Australia & New Zealand Newsstream
Newspapers from New Zealand and Australia covering regional and international topics updated daily, that can often be searched back many years. Some titles include: The Dominion Post, The New Zealand Herald, The Press, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age (Melbourne).
B -
Streaming film — over 2000 international movies and documentaries, with a strong Australasian focus. Login requires a Wellington residential adult membership type.
Beanstack is your top platform for reading motivation. Join reading challenges and get recommendations. Get motivated to reach reading goals by tracking when, how much, and what you read, loved by thousands of libraries worldwide.
Gale In Context: Biography
This database contains biographical information on more than 185,000 people, including artists and musicians from throughout history, around the world, and across all subject areas.
Books & Authors (Gale)
Explore the latest genre fiction, essential non-fiction and the authors behind the titles. Search or browse by author, title, or genre, or discover award-winning titles from the 1950s onwards. Includes over 140,000 titles, 50,000 authors, and thousands of read-alike and favourites lists.
eAudiobooks & eBooks (mainly eAudiobooks) from Australia's leading provider — over 4800 titles
Bridget Williams Books - New Zealand Sign Language Collection
The collection includes two titles by Rachel McKee: New Zealand Sign Language – A Reference Grammar, and People of the Eye – Stories from the Deaf World.
Bridget Williams Books - Te Pouhere Kōrero
Te Pouhere Kōrero is a journal authored by a collective of established Māori historians. The ten volumes of Te Pouhere Kōrero: Māori History, Māori People explore the rich narratives of Māori and indigenous history. Covering a wide range of topics, the collection provides a valuable resource for research on the history and culture of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Bridget Williams Books - Text Collection
A diverse group of short eBooks on the big issues facing New Zealand. Dive in to discover stories, insights and analysis by some of New Zealand’s best writers and commentators.
Bridget Williams Books - The NZ History Collection
Provides online access to over thirty years of award-winning history and biography publishing from Bridget Williams Books – includes over New Zealand history 90 titles.
Bridget Williams Books - Treaty of Waitangi Collection
Gathers together some of the finest writing and scholarship on New Zealand’s founding document online – including access to award-winning histories and commentaries, such as Claudia Orange’s The Treaty of Waitangi.
British Library Newspapers
Find influential national and regional newspapers representing different political and cultural segments of British society.
Business Source Premier
A business research database offering information in nearly every area of business including management, economics, finance, accounting and international business. Titles include: Harvard Business Review, New Zealand Management, Forbes and NZ Business.
Business: Entrepreneurship (Gale)
Looking to start a business? Gale Business Entrepreneurship covers all aspects of starting and operating a business – including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, and more. Download reports and articles to help you write a business plan, craft a marketing campaign or launch a product.
Business: Plan Builder (Gale)
A step-by-step planning tool for starting, managing and optimising a business or nonprofit. The program will walk you through five areas of exploration to develop a business plan. (You’ll need to create an account to save your progress.)
C -
Careers New Zealand
The best place to start finding information is Careers New Zealand, whether you are a school leaver, thinking of a career change, returning to work or upskilling.
CIA World Factbook
Produced by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency of the United States), this site provides data on every country’s geography, people, government, economy, communications, military etc. The one-page fact summaries for every country are especially useful.
Clear Pronunciation 1
The Clear Pronunciation programme introduces the 43 sounds of English. Listen, learn and practice using a range of online tools – sound clips, video clips, activities and assessments. In Level 1, learn to recognise and pronounce the full range of sounds by themselves, in words, sentences, and in larger texts.
Clear Pronunciation 2
The Clear Pronunciation programme introduces the 43 sounds of English. Listen, learn and practice using a range of online tools – sound clips, video clips, activities and assessments. In Level 2, put the 43 sounds of English together in clear, intelligible speech. The programme covers consonant clusters, word stress, sentence stress, connected speech and intonation.
Community Law Manual online
The Community Law Manual deals with many areas of community and personal life and provides answers and solutions to common legal questions.
Gale OneFile: Computer Science
Gale Computer Science is a one-stop reference resource for computer and technology related news and information.
D -
Dictionary of New Zealand Biography
This website contains over 3,000 biographies of past New Zealanders who have ‘made their mark’ on this country. Entries are posthumous only – there are no entries for still living prominent New Zealanders.
Dragonsource provides access to hundreds of Chinese language magazines in both simplified and traditional Chinese for online reading.
E -
EBSCO Portal
Find all our EBSCO databases through this reference portal, including: MasterFile Complete, Business Source Premier and Australia New Zealand Reference Centre Plus. Have an explore - these databases cover a wide variety of topics across journals, magazines and newspapers.
Economist Historical Archive, 1843–2020 (Gale)
The Economist presents the world’s political, business, scientific, technological and cultural developments and the connections between them. With this archive you can access every weekly issue between 1843 and 2015 — from cover to cover.
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online offers over 73,000 encyclopaedia articles, along with a world atlas, an online dictionary and thesaurus, articles and news headlines.
Evening Post Clippings Index
Contains several hundred thousand newspaper clippings collected between 1927 and 1977. It was originally assembled and maintained by Evening Post library staff as a reference collection by newspaper journalists and editors. The Evening Post has been digitised until 1945 at Papers Past.
Gale in Context: Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies In Context -The Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources focuses on the physical, social, and economic aspects of environmental issues.
Explora Australia/New Zealand
A reference source for high school and tertiary students that searches across multiple sources in a single search. The New Zealand topic overviews are a feature in Explora that provides users with a helpful starting point for research.
F -
Find My Past
At Find My Past, search over 50 million genealogy records for Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands – millions of records that you won’t find available elsewhere online. Access is via the public internet computers in our libraries, remote access is not available.
G -
General OneFile (Gale)
Includes thousands of journal titles, audio of radio broadcasts, and hundreds of newspapers — a total of in excess of 14,500 titles (more than 40% of which are unique to the database) with more than 35 years of coverage from 1980 to present. Highlights include: Full-text of the New York Times from 1985 to the present (updated daily), and The Economist from 1988 to the present, with no embargo.
Offers access to more than 4,000 scholarships and awards for individuals. Part of the Generosity NZ suite of resources – the largest digital search facility for funding information in Aotearoa. See also givUS – for access to more than 1,200 grants and schemes for community groups.
Offers access to more than 1,200 grants and schemes for communities, volunteer organisations, schools, groups, sport clubs and iwi. Part of the Generosity NZ suite of resources – the largest digital search facility for funding information in Aotearoa. See also givME – for access to more than 4,000 scholarships and awards for individuals.
Gale in Context: Elementary
Gale In Context: Elementary lets primary school children get comfortable with research skills by delivering age-appropriate, reliable content covering a broad range of subjects taught in the classroom like animals, arts and music, social studies, and more.
Gale In Context: Global Issues
Balanced information on crucial international issues and news headlines. Has a useful Countries Index with facts and figures, as well as in depth overviews of countries.
H -
Haynes Manuals AllAccess
From the publishers of the popular books comes the online version which makes available over 600 online manuals, covering car and motorcycle maintenance and repairs.
Gale Health and Wellness
Consumer health resource providing authoritative information on a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices.
I -
Index New Zealand
An index of abstracts and descriptions of articles in New Zealand publications over the last 30 years to the present in English, and from September 2007 in te reo Māori. Although INNZ doesn’t have the full text of articles, it indexes a huge number of New Zealand magazines, newspapers and journals, and can be hugely useful for finding articles in your area of interest.
K -
Streaming film — over 30,000 titles from around the world. Includes Kanopy Kids. Login requires a Wellington residential adult membership type.
Contains comprehensive profiles on 15,800 New Zealand business to business (B2B) companies including details on their activities, brands, people, products and services searchable by 30 different criteria including location, number of employees, turnover, products (by ANZSIC code), job category or job title.
Kids' eReading Room
Free eBook and downloadable eAudiobook collection containing thousands of fiction and nonfiction titles for children. This is Overdrive’s website, which is great for browsing — for app use, we recommend Libby.
L -
LanguageNut is a fun way to learn different languages for kids and adults. There are songs, stories and games for each language so you’ll be adding to your vocabulary without really realising it! To get started, enter your library card number into the box on the site labelled “barcode.”
Libby is OverDrive's simplified site and app. Read and listen to eBooks, eMagazines & eAudiobooks — over 66,000 titles available.
LinkedIn Learning
Unlimited access to over 12,000 online video courses — topics include IT, business, design & more.
Local History Database
Searchable indexes for our clippings collections — filing cabinets of newspaper articles dating back to the 1940s, organised into subject folders over many years. Indexes include: the Wellington Local History Clippings, Evening Post Clippings 1927-1977, our Māori Clippings Collection, and our New Zealand Artists' Index. Contact staff to see a microfilmed copy of the original article.
M -
Mahau App
Mahau is a free, simple, interactive app to help residents and visitors to Wellington to get started on their reo Māori journey. It was developed by Wellington City Council alongside Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Taranaki Whānui, and includes sections of the dialects, and introductory information about the iwi.
Mango Languages
Learn a new language with Mango Languages! Access interactive lessons for over 70 languages and start speaking today.
Complementary to the AnyQuestions homework reference service – for those times when AnyQuestions librarians are not online, you can visit the ManyAnswers section of the website to find information on popular schoolwork questions.
Māori Heritage Clippings Index
This comprises 2 collections: newspaper and magazine clippings collected by Mr T.F. Grey (including titles such as 'The Days of Te Rauparaha', 'Tales of the Māori Raids', etc., 'Old time Maoris', and various series and contributions by James Cowan), and a collection of Dominion and Evening Post articles on Māori people covering the years 1930 to the present day.
Maori Land Court Minutes Index
An index database providing easy, quick reference to over 1100 minute book records, 1865 and 1910. May include whakapapa as proof to a person’s right to succession to the land (note – this is not a fulltext database).
Māori Language.net
Māori Language.net was started in 2007 with some funding by Te Taura Whiri I Te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission) through their Mā Te Reo fund. Its aim was to be a base for the basics of Māori Language and has involvement from Scotty Morrison.