Library services update

Library notifications about reserves and due items are currently paused while they migrate to our new library system, and will resume sending soon. To find out what reserves are ready to be collected, please check your account using the WCL Mini app or login here:

Ngā Kohikohinga - Collections

Discover our extensive range of collections.

  • eLibrary

    Access eMedia with your Library Card — eBooks, streaming film, eMagazines, eNewspapers, digital storytimes & more.
  • Kids' Collections

    Explore the physical and digital resources that tamariki can access with their library cards.
  • Youth Collections

    Library signage " Taiohi Young Adult" resting on top of a curved library shelvin
    Explore the physical and digital resources you can access with your library card!
  • Research databases

    Photo of a person writing notes in front of a laptop.
    Browse the many online resources that you have access to with your library card.
  • Suggest a book

    Librarian at a help desk holding books.
    Suggest that the library buy an item that we do not hold in our collection, or have on order.
  • Special collections

    A bookshelf with a poster for our Kurapae collection.
    Explore our special collections, including Te Reo Kete, Book Club Kete, Kurapae, music equipment, and more.
  • New and Popular

    Non-fiction, science fiction, mystery, adventure and more — find your next favourite read at the library.
  • Māori Reference Collection

    Our Māori Reference Collection, is a non-lending collection of more than 5000 Māori books, microfiche, and microfilm.